標題: Wholesale China Jerseys CAIC
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-19 11:47  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale China Jerseys CAIC
The Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce (CAIC) has come out in support of Guyana against territorial claims by neighbouring Venezuela.The region’s business advocacy body said it is perturbed over the spurious claims by Venezuela to Guyana’s territory and especially its territorial waters.“The CAIC condemns this move as an act of economic aggression against a small CARICOM country which is reaching for the economic development of its people with the recent discovery of oil in its waters.”In the opinion of the CAIC,Cheap Jerseys Online, the move by Venezuela is designed to stymie the growth of Guyana’s economy and drive away foreign investors from the country.“The CAIC strongly rejects Venezuela’s claim and urges the CARICOM Heads of Government to stand fully united with Guyana in their refutation of Venezuela’s claims.? The CAIC believes that such aggression against a CARICOM country is an attack on the territorial integrity of all of our states which must be resisted by the entire Caribbean.”The body said that it unequivocally throws its support behind Guyana in its quest to resolve this unfair treatment which is tantamount to a neighbour claiming all the land in front of one’s house.Venezuela recently passed a decree unilaterally declaring it owns waters where a significant oil find was recently announced by US-owned ExxonMobil. The neighbouring country,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, which is facing severe internal turmoil,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, already is claiming a huge part of Essequibo.The matter is up for discussion in the CARICOM Heads of Government summit currently ongoing in Barbados.Guyana has made it clear it will not bow to Venezuela in face of the stated aggression which includes a threat of force.A number of organizations,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, including the Commonwealth Secretariat,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, have come out in support of Guyana.