標題: Cheap Jerseys China back and buttocks.In addition
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-19 07:53  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys China back and buttocks.In addition
– police say probe still not complete??Relatives of prison inmate Edwin Niles yesterday released photographs of the dead man and these appear to support allegations that he was tortured.The photographs, taken on Wednesday after an autopsy,Wholesale China Jerseys, showed that Niles had sustained extensive burns on his shoulders, back and buttocks.In addition,Cheap NFL Jerseys, a relative confirmed that one of Niles’s arms was encased in a plaster cast.However, the cast was removed before the post mortem.The autopsy,Cheap NFL Jerseys, performed by Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, revealed that Niles died from a clot in the lungs due to burns about the back.Niles’s relatives have repeatedly alleged that he was beaten and scalded with hot water while being interrogated by members of the security forces.Crime Chief Seelall Persaud told Kaieteur News yesterday that no one has been detained as yet and that investigations are continuing.?Police officials have repeatedly said that none of their ranks injured Niles. They have told Kaieteur News that prison officials had called them to the Georgetown Prison after alleging that they had caught Niles with ammunition.Kaieteur News has learnt that members of the security forces had received information which indicated that some inmates were plotting to break out of the prison, and attempts were being made to smuggle a firearm into the penitentiary.According to one source,Wholesale Jerseys, after finding the ammunition on Niles, prison and army officials suspected that he was part of the plot.??Police officials allege that when their ranks arrived,Wholesale China Jerseys, Niles was already badly injured and that prison officers and ranks from the Guyana Defence Force were with him.This newspaper was told that some prison officers claimed that Niles had sustained injuries to his back and buttocks after dragging himself on the prison floor.?The police ranks said they were reluctant to take the badly injured prisoner into custody and eventually took him to hospital.