標題: Wholesale Cheap Jerseys CJIA
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-19 07:52  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Cheap Jerseys CJIA
–organization structure has severe gapsIn a world where coordinating security at national airports is of national importance, a forensic audit into Guyana’s Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) has found that the position of Chief Security Officer has been vacant, despite the Aviation Security Department being formed years earlier.The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA)The audit was done by Goorwantie Kaladeen,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, a member of the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals (IICFIP). The report noted that the Aviation Security Department at CJIA was formed in 2013.“The Aviation Security Department has a staff complement that represents forty-six percent of employment on the payroll,” the audit report stated. “It is important that a Security Manager/Chief Security Officer with a disciplinary background whether from internal or external of the Corporation be employed to fully manage this department.”The audit report pointed out that the Senior Aerodrome Officer is currently managing this department but no letter of appointment was ever issued. This premise was made since his substantive position was not changed on the staff list. In management’s response in the report, however, they expressed confidence in his ability.“The Security Manager (ag) is qualified to head this department since he is a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) trained officer. This is most critical to the Aviation Security Department.”However the auditor rebutted this,NFL Jerseys China, reiterating that no letter of appointment (acting) was issued to the Senior Aerodrome Officer who was performing the duties of Security Manager. Tellingly, there was reportedly no change in his remuneration as might be expected when taking on additional duties.GapsIt was also noted in the report that the Organization Structure does not have the right balance, since there is a gap between the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who heads the Corporation and the next senior position being the Manager, Commercial and Administration. It was pointed out that the Deputy CEO position has never been filled since May 2005 and no longer exists on the organisation chart.“The Manager, Commercial and Administration has overall responsibility for the Human Resources Department, Finance Department and the Commercial Department,” the report noted. “There is lack of controls since this one person is in charge of three departments.”“In addition this position also functions as the acting Chief Executive Officer when the Chief Executive Officer is off duty, Secretary of the CJIAC Tender Board Committee and a member on the Evaluation Committee.”In its response, however, management stated that there was a business plan which was dated on October 2001 and was approved by the then Ministry of Public Works. It was noted that there was no new Business or Strategic Plan since.“The Business Plan outlines that the Commercial and Administrative Manager will be responsible for the areas of Finance, Human Resource and Commercial,” management statedCJIAC’s management also affirmed that the Human Resources and Commercial Departments were headed by a personnel and commercial officers respectively who were qualified in their respective field.“Management agrees that the organisation has evolved over the years since the establishment of its Aviation Security Division in 2009; in this regard efforts were made to revise the existing structure.”“On August 21, 2014,NFL Jerseys Outlet, a proposed structure was submitted to the Board of Directors. The position of Human Resource Manager was advertised via Guyana Chronicle dated August 20, 2014.They went on to claim that applications were received and forwarded to the board for further action. However,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, no appointment was made.RecommendationsThe auditor recommended that the CJIAC Board review the acting appointment of the Security Manager. In addition,Wholesale China Jerseys, it was advised that efforts be made to appoint a new Aviation Security Manager,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, whether from internal or external sources.In the report, the auditor advised that this be done as it has been two years since the Aviation Security Department was formed. She advocated that the issue be addressed, since the Security Department is critical to Airport Operations.The report also recommended that the Corporation prepare a strategic plan every four to five years. It stated that the Organization Structure needed to be reviewed for effective and efficient management of the airport.Since the audit report was released, it was shown that the airport has not filled