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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-19 07:51  資料 私人訊息 
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More than 30 persons from Moruca in the North West District who worked for the Bureau of Statistics during the national census have not been paid. John Torres,Jerseys From China, a farmer,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, who worked as an enumerator,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, told Kaieteur News that no one from the Bureau of Statistics has contacted them regarding the payments.From his calculation, Torres said that he is owed an estimated $100,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,000,Wholesale China Jerseys, and a similar amount is owed to the other 31 workers.Contacted yesterday, a senior official of the Bureau of Statistics said that the payments are being prepared, but she could not give a definitive date when the workers would be paid. She said they would receive their money “soon.”The Moruca census workers, like those who were hired around the country,Cheap NFL Jerseys, started working in September, and most of them would have wrapped up their work mid-December last year.