標題: Wholesale Jerseys From China Lot 2
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-19 07:09  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys From China Lot 2
A further $40,060,400 is awarded for the Amaila Falls road. This money is being spent on the section for which the Works Ministry has responsibility. According to Ms Teixeira this money may be going to a sub-contractor largely because of the need for equipment which may not be in the possession of the Works Ministry.Presidential Advisor, Gail TeixeiraPresidential Advisor, Gail Teixeira yesterday, made this announcement as she reported that Cabinet has granted its no objection to a number of contracts.Speaking at the weekly media briefing at the Office of the President,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, Shiv Chanderpaul Drive, Georgetown, she said that as a result,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the Public Sector is to spend $103.8 million on the docking and repairing of the MV Barima.Details of the extent of repairs were not readily available. The MV Barima is one of the oldest ferries operating in Guyana with its serving dating back to the more than 60 years ago.Additionally,Wholesale Jerseys From China, in the Public Works Sector, a total of $62.4 million is for the rehabilitation of miscellaneous roads in Region Three.She stated that the sector is also spending $77,424,900 for the rehabilitation and maintenance of Roads in Region Nine, Sand Creek (Lot 2). Some $38.1 million is for the rehabilitation of miscellaneous road network at Herstelling, East Bank Demerara.In the Health Sector, Teixeira announced that a total of $19,594,NFL Jerseys China Cheap,209 is for the procurement of BD vacutainer tubes for the region’s laboratories and US$509,840 is for the procurement of HIV, CAP and CTM reagent for the National Public Health Reference Laboratory.Additionally,Cheap NFL Jerseys, in the Health Sector, G$119,529.74 is awarded for rapid test for the national AIDS Programme Secretariat.In the Agriculture Sector, $15,027,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000 is awarded for the upgrade of the coast guard base in Fort Island, Essequibo River and US$99,980 for the provision of consultancy services for the establishment of a Food Safety Authority in Guyana.