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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-18 21:20  資料 私人訊息 
NFL Jerseys China T
More than four years after Government and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed a US$22M financing agreement to extend the four-lane thoroughfare from Providence to Diamond, East Bank Demerara, the project is continuing to prove a major headache, with two sections of it still about halfway done.Work Services Group Coordinator, Geoffrey VaughnThe situation now has the Government supervisors calling for contractors to work overtime, through the nights if possible, to complete it.Coordinator of the Work Services Group (WSG) of the Ministry of Public Works, Geoffrey Vaughn, said the ministry remains unsatisfied with the pace of construction.Speaking to the Government Information Agency (GINA) on Monday, the official said: “We know that they had a lot of delays,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, but still we expected to see a little more in terms of the project management, working double shift, day and night but that did not happen.”He noted that it is not a case where the ministry can push ‘fully’ to have the contractors work in the night.? Rather, Government can only propose. It is for the contractor to determine if he or she wants to work in the night, he said.“If they need to, and they want to, they can work night time, it does not take away anything from the contract,Wholesale China Jerseys, but it is for them to make that call,” he said. The Ministry has to, however, ensure that the work is carried out and the contract is completed within the specified time or the penalty clause can be applied, he pointed out.The funding agreement with IDB was signed in December 2010 with Government holding several consultations geared to reduce congestion. However, the delays have been angering commuters. The project has also been marred with wrangling between one contractor, BK International, and the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company, over the removal of utilities that stood in the way at Diamond.The project included the upgrading of the two traffic lanes to four, along the East Bank Demerara road from Providence to Diamond and is being executed in three lots – Providence to Prospect,Wholesale Jerseys China, Prospect to Little Diamond, and Little Diamond to the Diamond intersection.According to the Government statement,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Lot One is approximately 56 percent completed; Lot Two is 90 percent done, while Lot Three is 60 percent completed.“The relocation of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) utilities continues to be one of the main issues that posed delays to the projects,Cheap Jerseys China, Government said.“The ministry has had several talks with GT&T pertaining to the issue and (has) signed contracts with the utility company for the removal of the utilities. Most of it is that they are not too sure that they have cables… so we have to wait until they acquire these things and they have to do designs,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched,” Vaughn said.He explained that the build-ups are causing extended delays.A completed section of the road in the vicinity of Diamond.“When we would have gone into the contract with GT&T, then they would have been pushing to get y, get z, so you find that itself caused some amount of delays, so as much as you want to blame the contactors on one hand in terms of not being able to work effectively and in a faster manner, we still have to look at some of the other issues that we had on the contract,” he said.Lots 1 and 2 of the project were supposed to be completed by December 31, 2014. Lot One is now extended to March 2015, due to the utility issue.Lot Two, between Providence and Prospect, is expected to be completed shortly. Sections of it are already opened to traffic.Lot Three’s contractor, BK International, is expected to complete its part by March 2015.“The extension of Lot Three, like Lot Two, basically was granted due to delays in the removal of utilities. This lot also suffered from poor organising skills, construction methodology and lack of human resources.”Vaughn explained that BK International has completed some of its road works and a lot of concentration is now on the high bridge, next to Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL).“Once that is completed we know that work will be pushed faster,” he said.The official said that the ministry will be monitoring and ensuring that the project comes to an end before March 2015. He explained that the issue with the utility would not take away from the ministry applying liquidated damages to contractors because of lateness in completion of work.With Lot Two, though far ahead, he said there are a few aspects that need to be completed and corrected. He identified that some areas are not smooth enough, so those w