標題: Evan Engram Jersey Sean Allen and his girlfriend
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-18 18:29  資料 私人訊息 
Evan Engram Jersey Sean Allen and his girlfriend
-two teens detainedAn altercation which began last Saturday, ended yesterday with a 20-year-old Sophia man critical in the Georgetown Public Hospital, and two teenaged suspects in police custody.Devonty Da Silva of 862 ‘B’ Field Sophia, Georgetown, and a student of Mercy Wings Vocational School, was struck in the head “with a 2×4 wood” allegedly by a vengeful teenager.Devonty Da SilvaDa Silva was rushed to the hospital, where he was immediately taken into the theatre for surgery.According to the victim’s relatives, last Saturday, one of Da Silva’s friends, Marvin (only name given), had organized a party at which he (Dasilva) was the barman. The party was held in Sophia.They further claimed that a teen, who they called ‘Chucky’,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, approached Da Silva and purchased a Mackeson stout from him.“When Devonty turn to open the stout,Nike NFL Jerseys China, he (Chucky) pick up another one, so Devonty told him ‘man you pay fuh one you can’t tek two’ and they start argue and then Marvin come and tell Devonty to leave him with it and let them leave the party.”Yesterday, however, Da Silva, and another friend, Sean Allen and his girlfriend,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, were heading to the Da Silva’s home when ‘Chucky’ and a group of other teens confronted him.According to Allen, ‘Chucky’ was apparently upset over the incident at the party and started arguing with the Da Silva.He claimed that the argument turned into a scuffle “and I part and tell them ‘look man that done happen and gone,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, left it,’’’ Allen stated.He further revealed that after Da Silva turned away, one of the gang members pulled his shirt, and “when he turn Chucky brother lash he in he head with a piece of wood and he fall to the ground and dey run away.”Marvin told Kaieteur News that he was on his bicycle when he witnessed ‘Chucky’s’ brother hit Da Silva with the wood.“I see it and I follow he and hold onto he until the police come and take he down,” Marvin claimed.At the hospital yesterday,Jerseys From China, Da Silvas relatives gathered in front of the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Unit (A&E), shouting and screaming passionately.The victim’s mother, Alma, said she was at work when she received the disturbing news.“I was at work feeding an old lady and something tell me fuh pray and I started to pray although I didn’t even know why I was praying.”She explained about half of an hour later she received a call that her son was in the hospital.“My son is a good boy he don’t trouble anyone,Cheap Jerseys, he was everybody baby, everybody like him. When anybody got any party he does go and cook for them,” the mother reflected as tears trickled down her cheeks.“The situation didn’t call for that. It done happen, the story done finish. Why they hit him? Why? He gave him the stout,” the distraught mother said.“They pull he shirt and when he turn, he turn into the wood and flutter like a fowl on the road.”She explained that next month is her son’s graduation and his school got him employment on a cruise ship“He told me one month more old girl and I will mek you right. My son was loving.”The mother also claimed that her son has been suffering from “some head problem for years” and she is scared that this incident will just worsen things.Up to press time yesterday, Da Silva was still in the theatre.