標題: Wholesale Jerseys Seon Persaud
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註冊 2017-5-25
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Wholesale Jerseys Seon Persaud
Anthony Bess,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 21, of Bourda, Georgetown; Joshua Peters, also 21, of 52 Victoria Road, Plaisance; Seon Persaud, 20,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, of Lot 66 Leopold and Croal Streets,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Argentina-Facundo-Roncaglia-Jersey.html, Georgetown; and Joseph Fraser, 21, of 42 Norton Street, Lodge all appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson to answer separate charges of wearing female clothing in public. They were also charged jointly with damage to property.They all pleaded guilty.Joseph Fraser also faced another charge, wherein it is alleged that he stole one Samsung cell phone from Steve Dunda. He pleaded not guilty to that charge. On the day in question, it is alleged, the four were walking in the vicinity of the Timehri bus park when they were taunted by some men.According to Steve Dunda, he was at the park with his bus when he saw Bess and the others walking along the park.“Your Worship, they were ‘teased’ by some men. They left, and when they came back started to retaliate (by) pelting bottles. I told them to stop that before they damage my bus.” At one point, Fraser was in the bus. Some time later,Evan Engram Jersey, I discovered that the bus window was broken and my phone was gone. When asked by the magistrate whether they had jobs, and why they were found dressed the way they were,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Bess said that they were all wearing ‘unisex clothing’ with fabric paint which he designed.“We were going to a gay function in town. I was just wearing a pair of jeans with a hood-top jersey.’ “Your Worship,NFL Jerseys Outlet, no one wants to employ us. They don’t want to take gay people on.” Fraser, who was accused of stealing the cell phone, told the magistrate that they were all ‘one family.’The four men were each fined $7,500 for wearing female clothing in public and $18,000 for damage to property, as well as $2,000 court costs.