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Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping for example
–AFCAlliance for Change Leader,Jerseys NFL China, Raphael Trotman, says that the government’s response to the People’s National Congress Reform call for a position on the arms build up in Venezuela is tantamount to being ‘politically infantile’ when they just dismissed the call.AFC Leader Raphael TrotmanHe noted that any buildup of arms in the hemisphere such as what is happening in Venezuela should be cause for concern in that it could have a domino effect, wherein other large countries in the region could start their own build up.He noted that for the hemisphere to become a militarized zone could be very dangerous for small countries such as Guyana with a small armed force and a similarly small economy.According to Trotman,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, the country’s leadership must voice its concern and increase its diplomatic presence and voice on the issue in forums such as the Organisation of American States and the United Nations.He said that it was not a question of if Guyana was being threatened but with the potential arms build up, countries such as Guyana could find themselves in the midst of a storm when superpowers land in the hemisphere with a vast arsenal.One such example of a super power flexing its muscles in the hemisphere was highlighted by the recent flight of Russian jet bombers in the region.Trotman also noted that it was no coincidence that the US will be hosting a military humanitarian outreach in the Northwest shores of Guyana while Russian ships would also be in proximity.The PNC on Thursday last, during a press briefing, had emphasized that the Venezuelan Administration had embarked on a policy of a massive arms build-up in that it has purchased sophisticated weapons from both Russia and China.Opposition Leader Robert CorbinThe party added that the policy had already attracted attention regionally and internationally, yet the Jagdeo Administration had chosen to remain silent about the arms build-up.The party had said that it considered such silence and the lack of policy as most dangerous and ill advised.“The Party believes that one cannot simply accept the Venezuelan arguments that the arms are for defensive purposes…On any assessment,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the arms build-up seems out of proportion to the needs of the Venezuelan nation.”It noted that the policy of inaction had given rise to an alarming psychological condition of passivity.“Guyanese were alarmed to learn,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, for example, that the President was unaware that Russian planes had utilised Guyana’s airspace on a test flight to Caracas recently… What is of particular concern to the PNCR is that this arms build-up assumes sinister significance in the context of the known controversy between Venezuela and Guyana and the willingness of Caracas to use force when it considers it in its national interest,Cheap NFL Jerseys, as illustrated in November last year when two pontoons were blown up by Venezuelan Security forces in the Cuyuni River after an invasion of Guyana’s land and air space….“To date, the Venezuelans have failed to provide a satisfactory explanation to the people of Guyana.”The party then issued a call for the local administration not only to declare its policy on the Venezuelan arms build-up, but also to mount a major challenge to it in the region and beyond.Subsequent to the PNCR call, the Office of the President responded by saying that it considered the call by the PNCR for Government to state its position on Venezuela ’s arms stockpiling as irrelevant.The statement issued said that the Office of the President also referred to Guyana’s membership of the South American Community of Nations which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is also a founding member.“For us the issue of arms build up by nations in UNASUR ought not to be identified and examined for the perspective of the superpower’s dictate,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale,” the OP statement said.