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…in raging Kaieteur Falls  “I’m waiting for my husband to bring her home when he comes” – Mother  By Mondale SmithA visitor to Kaieteur Falls said that she saw Aliya Bulkan, 23, run toward the Kaieteur Falls and jump, yesterday off the edge.In the city, Aliya Bulkan’s sister is shocked at news that the person she considers her closest friend will no longer be coming home.Aliya Bulkan (left) and her sister CamillaAt the same time, the missing woman’s mother is hoping that her second daughter will come home from a trip she made to the Kaieteur Falls yesterday. However, amidst family disbelief and grief last night her uncle said that the family is certain that the 23-year-old is dead.The hope above hope among friends is that she probably ran off into a clump of bushes at the Kaieteur National Park, something that is a nightmare that they can awake from. But at least two Korean tourists are sure that they saw the woman jump into the raging waters of Kaieteur Falls yesterday.Bulkan and a friend, Lisa, boarded a Roraima aircraft at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, yesterday, to enjoy a trip to the mighty Kaieteur Falls as part of her efforts to relax a bit after returning to Guyana a month ago.All told, there were ten persons on board the flight including the pilot and two Korean tourists. The plane winged out at 8:20hrs. The trip was part of a Kaieteur Falls special offered at a reduced price to afford locals a chance to see Guyana.Captain Gerry Gouveia, owner of Roraima Airways, said that the plane arrived at the Kaieteur Falls airstrip at about 9:15hrs and the tour began.Upon completing the tour the group was heading back to the guest house with Bulkan walking third behind tour guide Leroy.Suddenly Aliya Bulkan reportedly dashed off in the direction of the waterfalls and ran through some bushes and disappeared. No one except for two traumatised Korean women saw her jump into the falls. The women reportedly began screaming uncontrollably and were up to last night traumatised at what they had seen.Officials close to the matter said when she dashed off the rest of people thought that she had forgotten her camera. But when she ran in the opposite direction to the one they used the frantic screams began.The source said, “Tourists don’t normally go in that direction because it is bushy.” He also said that there were no safety breaches as signs clearly indicate what persons should and should not do.Officials at the Kaieteur Park are adamant that she did not slip because no one is allowed to stand close to the edge. Gouveia said that he has no reason to believe that the woman did not jump into the waterfalls but said that if indeed she did, she has no chance of survival.He said that based on the flow of the water the body could eventually be washed into the lower reaches of the Potaro River.Yesterday, as news spread several relatives of the young woman were seen arriving at the Roraima Residence Inn to meet with Captain Gouveia. Her father, Rustum Bulkan, joint Managing Director of Precision Woodworking, on hearing the news was flown into the location with several police ranks who began their investigations. According to her uncle the search will continue today for her body.Her elder sister said, “She did not give us any indication that she would take her own life; she just said that she was going to enjoy a day out with her friend.”Aliya, according to the sister, along with her friend Lisa were taken to the road head by her father. From there they took a taxi to the Cheddi Jagan International airport.“She got up at about 6:00hrs and when she was leaving she said goodbye in the usual way and she left with our father. I didn’t go because I had a SAT class to teach.”The next time she heard about her sister was when her father relayed the news that she had reportedly jumped off the Kaieteur Falls.At their New Providence home,Andy Pettitte Jersey, yesterday,Cheap Jerseys From China, relatives gathered in disbelief. “Is like I’m still trying to come to grips with this thing and I’m hopeful that she’s going to come home with her father,” her mother said. They all agreed that Aliya had no reason to commit suicide.Smart girl,bright futurePoet Martin Carter (late) described the seven-year-old Aliya Bulkan’s poetry writing abilities as brilliant. Then she topped the SSEE in 1998 before placing third at the Caribbean Secondary School’s Examination’s Council examination, CSEC in 2003. That year, too,Cheap NFL Jerseys Stitched, as a student of the School of the Nations, Bulkan won the under-18 category of Association of Guyanese Writers and Artists (AGWA) prize for Literature in poetry.That publication is now available to students at the University of Guyana (UG), Cyril Potter College of