標題: Authentic Jerseys Sale ICU
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-16 21:26  資料 私人訊息 
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No negligence has been cited in the case of maternal patient Charlene Amsterdam, who died three weeks ago at the Georgetown Public Hospital, some two days after undergoing a caesarian section.Commenting last evening on the matter was Director of Medical Services,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, Georgetown Hospital,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Argentina-Facundo-Roncaglia-Jersey.html, Dr. Madan Rambarran.The Director explained that the report has been completed and was submitted to the Chief Medical Officer for the hospital. He said that the report has failed to show that any negligence had caused Amsterdam’s death.A copy of the said report is expected to be made public some time in the coming week.A post mortem examination conducted on Amsterdam had failed to uncover what really caused the woman’s death. Samples were subsequently taken for further testing.Unconfirmed reports had stated that Amsterdam had an ovarian cyst. A source said that during the Caesarian section to deliver the baby, the doctor nicked one of the blood supplies to the cyst (either arterial or venal) and sparked excessive bleeding.The source added that some time later,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, when the nurses noted the bleeding they called the doctor who was hesitant to take the woman back into the theatre for corrective surgery.Relatives had told Kaieteur News that doctors had informed Amsterdam that a vaginal delivery was not possible.The surgery was performed two days after Amsterdam was admitted to the hospital. Relatives had also disclosed that Ms. Amsterdam was suffering from fibroids,Wholesale China Jerseys, a condition in which non-cancerous tumors form in the uterus.According to relatives,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the doctors treating her were aware of her condition,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, and Ms. Amsterdam was attending clinic at the GPHC for her ailment. With that being said relatives were adamant that the woman’s condition was not life-threatening.Hours after the surgery relatives said that Amsterdam began experiencing complications and had to be taken back to the operating theatre.As the pains intensified, she was transferred to the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Amsterdam was again taken back to the operating theatre where she spent approximately three hours. Shortly after, hospital officials told relatives that she was dead.Amsterdam up until the time of her death was attached to the Georgetown Hospital. She was a nurse for the past 14 years.