標題: NFL Jerseys Outlet ieqodzyt
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-16 20:21  資料 私人訊息 
NFL Jerseys Outlet ieqodzyt
Donald still wondering if he was ever a politician because he ain’t got nothing to show. He was president and he live in State House but he now wondering if he was dreaming. Normally he woulda be de leader of de party but even that must have been a dream because nobody in de party even calling he name.He was a decent man but he mix up wid de wrong crowd. Dem boys seh that he mix suh till Jagdeo pull he teeth. Jagdeo even thief Red House from under Donald foot and de poor man only know when dem had de debates in Parliament and didn’t even mention he name; not even once.Is then he seh that he did hug up a marabunta nest close to he chest but didn’t realize it.Now he complaining that Jagdeo is ruthless and shameless. Everybody did know,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, except Donald who didn’t realize,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, that Jagdeo put he in de president seat just to hold it fuh him. But dem boys seh that Jagdeo got to believe that de whole of Guyana stupid.He talk bout giving young people a chance but he only thinking bout heself. Janet was thinking about young people so she mek Jagdeo president and he sit down in that chair fuh 12 years. He tek way three from Donald when he done serve he 12. He go out and cuss people and mek Donald lose de elections. Then he even kick out Donald out of Parliament after he thief Freedom House.He expect to be president again and de next elections is not until another five years. By then he gun run mad because he got to be half mad. He spend two and a half term and that ain’t enough. There is a plan fuh help he serve again but this time he gun serve time. Fuh every year he punish people he gun serve one year in jail. Everybody else know that.Talk half and hope somebody help Donald.