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註冊 2017-5-25
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Jerseys NFL Wholesale in any case
“Independent enquiries still depend on evidence from local investigators”?Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee has admitted that, despite calls for independent enquiries into high-profile matters, any outside probe will still have to rely on local investigators for certain evidence.Speaking to reporters on Sunday last, the minister admitted that there appears to be a general lack of trust for the local investigators.At least two recent incidents have prompted calls for independent enquiries, since much controversy abounds.The first call came in the wake of the massacre of eight miners at Lindo Creek, Berbice River, just about a month ago. This stemmed from a major controversy surrounding who committed the act.On one hand, owner of the mining camp, Leonard Arokium, is strongly of the view that his employees were slaughtered by members of the security forces, while the police say they have clear evidence that the killings were the work of notorious wanted man Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins, whose hideout was raided a few days earlier.Opposition parties, the People’s National Congress Reform and the Alliance For Change, have been leading the call for an independent inquiry.In light of this, local authorities had solicited the assistance of forensic experts from the United States of America, a request which was denied.They then sought the help of crime scene experts from Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica,Wholesale Jerseys, who have all commenced investigations into the killings.Acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene told the media last Sunday that the Trinidad team of experts has presented two initial reports, and the final report is being awaited.He also said that the Jamaica team currently in Guyana has requested some information from its local counterparts, and is continuing the probe, which is dealing mainly with DNA testing of the miners’ remains.The most recent call for an independent inquiry comes in the wake of the death of prisoner Edwin Niles, who was allegedly tortured by members of the security forces.A post mortem examination performed on Niles’s body revealed that he died from clots in the lungs, due to burns about the back, and a fractured left arm.Niles succumbed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation two Fridays ago while receiving medical treatment following alleged torture inside the Camp Street prisons, after a quantity of ammunition was found in a pair of pants he was wearing when he returned to the prison.He had been on an outdoor activity at army headquarters, Camp Ayanganna.Police ranks have stated that the prisoner had shown evidence of having suffered a terrible beating when they went to the Camp Street prison to collect him.The ranks repeatedly denied that any injuries that Niles sustained occurred at the Brickdam Police Station.The dead man’s relatives have accused the security services of beating and scalding him with hot water.The PNCR and AFC have since levelled similar accusations against the Joint Services.With regards to calls for another independent inquiry, this time into the prisoner’s death, Greene indicated that he was not too worried.“People have a right to their own views,Wholesale Jerseys, but we, the police, will do what we have to do until we’re told not to do.”??????On Sunday,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Minister Rohee stated that, although there may be a lack of trust for the local security forces, he is not too sure what the connotations are for the recent calls for an independent inquiry into the death of the prisoner.“But, in any case, they still have to go to these people (local investigators) for evidence. They will still have to call on the authorities, whether police or prisons, for the evidence…and on the basis of that evidence,Wholesale Jerseys Group, whether independent or otherwise, the facts of the matter will be determined,” Rohee reasoned.“There is always generally this distrust. Anyone who dies in police custody, or anyone who dies in the custody of prison authorities, for the general public there will always be distrust. That is to say that people will always believe that something is being hidden. But we are not interested in hiding anything, what we are interested in is what came out of the investigation,” Rohee added.?The death of the prisoner is bound to spark international concerns, especially from human rights groups which have in the past given unfavourable reports about the treatment of prisoners in Guyana.According to Rohee, any prisoner who dies in custody,Jerseys Cheap NFL, whether police or prisons,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, will have to be investigated.“I can’t say when those investigati