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註冊 2017-5-25
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Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey Larry Bynoe
-Brazilian army courted for helpThe?Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) says it is collaborating with 17 local contractors on a programme to combat the drought-affected communities in Region Nine.Minister Dawn Hastings-Williams (centre, front row), GWI Chief Executive Dr. Richard Van West-Charles (centre, back row) and management pose with several contractors.Local contractors involved in well drilling were invited to meet with Chief Executive, GWI, Dr. Richard Van West-Charles in early March.According to that state-owned company,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the Chief Executive provided details on the urgency of the situation in Region Nine,Cheap Jerseys China, including the fact, that many communities are in need of new potable water wells since the existing sources of water have depleted due to the prolonged dry season.“Since March 2016, the response from local contractors and members of the private sector has been overwhelming with donations amounting to in excess of $8M.”As a gesture of gratitude, the contractors involved were invited to a meeting with Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Dawn Hastings-Williams and the Chief Executive on Wednesday at the GWI Corporate Complex.“Indeed, the situation in Region Nine warrants our urgent attention, and I am heartened by the response of our local contractors and the business community,” Minister Hastings-Williams stated. “I urge all Guyanese to emulate this level of cooperation and partnership as we work together to build the nation.”Dr. Van-West Charles explained that with the financial support of the local contractors, eight potable water wells will be drilled in Wowetta, Rupertee, Aranaputa,Wholesale Jerseys, Kwaimatta, Marcanata, Shulinab,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Potarinau and Kumu – Region Nine.Work commenced this week on those wells.The Chief Executive expressed gratitude to all the contractors who contributed to the programme, including Andre Webb Drilling Company, S. Jagmohan Hardware Supplies and Construction Services, C.B. General Contracting Services Inc., Alvin Chowramootoo Construction Services, R. Kissoon Contracting Service, Faldhari Singh & Son Contracting Services, B.K. International, H.J. Contracting Service, AAV Ragoobeer General Construction, Oniel Jordon Construction, Fyffe Building and Contracting Services, Satar Mohamed and Son Construction, Manohar Services, Dresden Geotechnical Services, M. Ahmad Construction, John and John’s Construction and Nabi Construction Inc.Dr. Van West-Charles also thanked the business community and private donors for their contributions including Ganesh Parts and General Store, Renie Mitchell,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Larry Bynoe, Olani Husbands and Bibi Osman.The GWI Chief Executive further explained that in addition to the efforts by GWI and the private sector,Jerseys Cheap NFL, the Brazilian Army and the Regional Administration are discussing initiatives to provide relief to communities affected by the prolonged dry season in Region Nine.