標題: Cheap Jerseys From China “Geographic location
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-15 23:37  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys From China “Geographic location
– GYSMThe Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) has lashed out at the Government, stating that the lack of in-depth attention placed on the growth of young people is causing an economic decay in the country. The youth organization has described the nation’s state of youth affairs as being “horrible” and having a “dire effect on the entire country.”GYSM’s Adel LilyGYSM Secretary Adel Lily told media operatives last week,Sale NFL Jerseys, that enough emphasis is not being placed on the country’s young people, and the creation of job opportunities may be the only way to correct the situation.Lily said, “Youngsters are marred by poverty, dependency, dislocation and exploitation.”Speaking on the recent spate of events involving young people, Lily said, “The damage that young people have suffered physically, psychologically, socially, politically and economically, if unchanged will render them incapable of effectively fulfilling their social economic and reproductive roles in society.”The youth member said that the future of the country will be lost if the needs of those persons are continually ignored.To curb the downhill trend,Cheap Jerseys From China, Lily suggested that comprehensive strategies to create jobs should be devised.Apart from the Administration’s failure to create feasible methods to improve the youth affairs in the country, Lily highlighted that migration is becoming an increasing tendency.He pointed out that job creation, locally, may remedy the occurrence of migration since the growth of small, medium sized enterprises (SMEs) should be an integral part of the country’s job creation strategy. The youth member said that more than 60 percent of the labour force is engaged in SMEs. “But this (SMEs) requires capital and technical support for businesses of all sizes.” “Very few small businesses have access to concessionary capital through microfinance institutions; the ‘missing middle’ for firms seeking to grow.”GYSM said that the Culture, Youth and Sports Ministry should formulate inclusive, cohesive and constructive strategies for positive engagement, and initiate talks within the context of the agreed National Youth Policy.The youth organization recommended that the education system be re-engineered to include infrastructure accessible to all youths regardless of,Wholesale Jerseys Group, “Geographic location, gender, class, disability or race.”The youth body said all inequalities must be removed within the social-economic system so that the primary needs of youths are met.Business and economic infrastructure should be provided to attract greater investments to increase opportunities for youth employment,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Lily said. He charged that, “Accredited,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, recognized,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, experienced-based capability building, training and project management programmes for youth leadership should also be developed.”GYSM believes that Culture and Sport in Guyana can play a major role in creating wealth for the youths. They said that the Ministry of Culture should thus promote more culture and sport based activities for young people.