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Cheap NFL Jerseys co since March 2012
By Attorney Gail S. SeeramThrough this “Question & Answer” column, our goal is to answer your immigration questions.? We appreciate your comments and questions.? If you have a question that you would like answered in this column, please email: [email protected]Question #1: My mother is a US citizen; she applied for me and my family (I’m married). Our priority date is 6th Feb. 2011. Could you please say how long we have to wait?Answer #1: ?? ?In response to your question,Cheap NFL Jerseys, visas are being issued for petitions filed on or before July 2002 – so it is a 9-year wait.Question #2: I am a naturalized US citizen,Cheap Jerseys Online, since March 2012; My parents are currently living and working in Jamaica; If I file for them via I-30 Petition for alien relative will they be required to file yearly taxes on income they are earning in Jamaica? My parents plan on working and living in Jamaica for at least five more years. However, in the event that the desire to move to the states or need to seek medical attention,Jerseys NFL Cheap, I would love for them to become US citizens.Answer #2:?? ?If you file for your parents and they obtain a green card,Cheap Jerseys From China, they are required to be living in the U.S. (not Jamaica).? If they return to Jamaica to work and live with the green card, they will most likely get the green card taken away at a port of entry into U.S.Question #3: I sponsored my husband since February 8,Nike NFL Jerseys China, 2011, can you tell me how much longer does he have to wait to get a visa.Answer #3:?? ?If you are a U.S. citizen then it takes about one year; if you are green card holder then it takes two to three years.Question #4: My daughter’s fianc? is living in the U.S.A. She is having a valid visa for the U.S.A. I would like to know if she can go to the U.S.A and marry her fianc? right away and remain until she gets her permanent residence. I will also like to know the procedure to get her married in the U.S.AAnswer #4:?? ?In response to your question,Bobby Orr Jersey, she can marry and remain in the U.S. and file for a green card in U.S. if her fianc? is a U.S. citizen.? Procedures to get married depend on the state she will be living in.Question #5: How long does it take when a permanent person files for the wife and kids?Answer #5:?? ?For the spouse of a permanent resident, right now visas are being issued for petitions filed on or before July 2010 – so about a two to three-year wait.Question #6: My son was born in the US. Is it possible I can file for citizenship without him sponsoring me or should I just continue to visit as normal and wait until he turns 18 to fully sponsor me?Answer #6:?? ?Your U.S. citizen son has to wait until he is age 21 before he can sponsor you.