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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-15 11:45  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys she says
Women’s issues activist Stella Ramsaroop has launched a new venture – “Stella’s Sisterhood of Support and Service (S4) Foundation”. The project is intended to promote the continued development of Sisterhood in Guyana and through the S4 Foundation, Ramsaroop intends to create a network of women who are committed to helping and supporting other women in Guyana.Stella Ramsaroop“Every day we see Sisters who are hurting, or lonely or broken in spirit and we do nothing to help.”She said that this approach has to stop,Authentic Jerseys Sale, further urging persons to get involved.The S4 Foundation, she says,Nike NFL Jerseys China, whole-heartedly embraces the ethos of a statement by 19th century poet, Matthew Arnold, who said, “If ever the world sees a time where women shall come together purely and simply for the benefit of humankind, it will be a power such as the world has never known.”“We believe the time for women to come together is now,” Ramsaroop stressed.The club, according to Ramsaroop,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, is not an exclusive one, but a fact of nature.“We are born as females and endure this world as females and we need other females to help us along the way, whether to understand biological changes as we grow into women, or to garner wisdom on raising children or any number of other crazy and unpredictable issues life may throw at us.Ramsaroop, a former columnist at Kaieteur News,Jerseys NFL China, has been writing on women’s issues for a number of years in Guyana. She is also an advocate for women’s rights and an activist against domestic violence in Guyana.In 2010, she? joined with Dianne Madray [IMRARC in Cane Grove], Varshnie Singh [Kids First Fund] and Sukree Boodram [Author, Breakout: A True Story], to form the “Break the Silence” Team, which has travelled throughout Guyana,Jerseys From China, conducting rallies and workshops to bring awareness to the issue of domestic violence. The team has also held these workshops in the Guyanese communities of New York and Orlando.Ways of getting involved in the S4 Foundation can be found at www.S4Foundation.org, where daily updates, words of encouragement for women and interactions between Guyana’s Sisters (and other Sisters, worldwide) can be accessed. The site also challenges Guyana’s Sisters to go out and help other Sisters.The S4 Foundation plans to hold events and publish material to empower Guyana’s women,Custom Raptors Jersey, strengthen the Sisterhood in the nation and encourage women to support and help other women. It is a non-racial, non-religious, non-political organisation.