標題: NFL Jerseys China Cheap Opposition
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-14 22:41  資料 私人訊息 
NFL Jerseys China Cheap Opposition
“We have little boys playing with big issues”- Gail TeixeiraBy Abena Rockcliffe Government Chief Whip Gail Teixeira yesterday described the joint parliamentary opposition as “little boys playing with big issues.” This declaration came after the opposition voted against and defeated the second reading of the Firearms (Amendment) Bill 2012.The Bill was being piloted by Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, and sought to fill a loophole within the system that allowed trafficking of firearms.As it is, trafficking of firearms is not unlawful but possession of an unlicenced firearm is. Also, possession of a firearm’s component is not unlawful. One can have all components of a firearm and can’t be charged once those are disassembled.Nevertheless, the opposition yesterday voted against a piece of legislation that would have addressed those elements that are perceived to be lacking.Asked to justify voting down such a bill, knowing that it cannot reappear in the 10th parliament, Opposition leader David Granger said that “the greater danger must be recognized”.The greater danger referred to was Rohee’s continuing to act in his current capacity as Minister of Home Affairs.Granger told the media that Rohee’s presence at the Ministry of Home Affairs is weakening law enforcement and the fight for public security. Further, Granger affirmed “He must leave Home Affairs let him go to Tourism.”He then stated emphatically that A Partnership for National Unity will not support any Bill brought to the National Assembly by Rohee, regardless of its merit,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, once the Bill is tabled in his capacity as Home Affairs Minister.Asked if the opposition is ready to take responsibility in any case where lack of such provisions in the law results in greater violence,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Granger responded “We have taken a position that he (Rohee) is not competent to remain Minister of Home Affairs and we take responsibility for that position. Him remaining in that position is the greatest danger to public security.”Meanwhile, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said he expected silence not disapproval from the opposition as it relates to the passage of the Bill.According to Hinds, it draws into question the opposition’s claims of being against criminal activities.“If being upset about the ruling of the speaker (on Rohee’s gag order) could link them to reject such a Bill, it must draw into question how serious and honest they (the opposition) are,Cheap NFL Jerseys, as the Minister pointed out how important the Bill is to addressing gun crime.”Noting that the Bill is an attempt to fill a lacuna in the law that allowed persons with illegal weapons, once disassembled, Teixeira said that the opposition’s move “…flies in the face of all decent-minded people who want to live in a safe environment.”“If they didn’t approve it because of the messenger, this is the height of puerile behaviour.”Teixeira said that what must be given priority is the reduction of crime,Evan Engram Jersey, but “we have little boys playing with big issues in a playground and they are missing the mark all the time… these are anti-national positions that have nothing to do with the betterment of Guyana.”The Bill, she stressed, is aimed at strengthening local laws and conforming to international treaties and agreements in CARICOM.During his presentation, Rohee noted that the amendment would make the trafficking of firearms and firearm/ammunition components unlawful.No opposition member contributed to the debate and the only other MP to speak was Rohee’s colleague Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett who emphasised the need for Guyana to join the world in the fight against gun crime. She noted that an AK-47 can be bought for US$200 and alluded to Rohee’s statement that this is because of the porous nature of Guyana’s borders.Rohee, in the wake of the Bill being voted down said, “If they think this is a defeat for me it’s a victory for the government,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, because they (Opposition) will now have to explain why they would be voting against a Bill that is aimed at stemming the flow of firearms into Guyana as a whole or components”.According to Rohee, the message being sent now seems to be that “we don’t mind firearms entering Guyana.”Responding to Granger’s comment to the media that it was more dangerous to have him (Rohee) in place than to support the Bill,Wholesale China Jerseys, the minister said no one should be scared by Granger’s remark.“Who is the opposition to say who’s dangerous? I believe he’s more dangerous than anybody else in Guyana right now … because he is blocking a Bill which is aimed at stemming the flow of firearms