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Authentic Jerseys Sale 30 hrs the night before
– at least eight unsolved cases between 2009 to 2015 Although they had detained one person, police at Berbice have made no headway in finding the individual who raped and murdered 67-year-old Ramdai Mohabir two Mondays ago.There’s concern that she may join a list of elderly women whose murders remain unsolved.Kaieteur News understands that the man who police had questioned was also held for a previous matter, which is still under investigation.Ramdai Mohabir, 67According to a source, the suspect was held based on descriptions given by an informant. However, he was subsequently released.Ramdai Mohabir, called “Aunty Elsie”, 67 was discovered in bed at her Lot 665 Topoo,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Albion home by relatives on Monday shortly after 07:30 hrs.The mother of three was found by relatives who had last seen her around 17:30 hrs the night before,Discount NFL Jerseys, when they went over to her home to take meals for her.“My mother’s feet were upraised, and there was blood all around,” her daughter, Vinmattie Reddi, recalled.“Her left side face was swollen (and) her right side neck had a bruise. The two bed sheets were crumpled, as both were under her body. Apparently, she was resisting (her attacker/s). Her neck was swollen and the pillow was found under the bed. She had (had) $6000, (but) that was missing.”According to a relative, police found a several pairs of female underwear behind the slain woman’s home.Ramdai Mohabir’s daughter, Vinmattie Reddi, confirmed that her mother was somewhat mentally unstable, but said she knew the names of all those around her and would usually do everything for herself, except cooking.Yvonne Adam, 75: Strangled in her home in March, 2014 Christmas Eve 2009She lamented the fact that her mother wanted to live alone although they had offered to let her live with them. To please their mother, they decided to build the one-flat wooden house for her next to her son. Sometimes, she would accept meals through a window and occasionally she would open her door.Ramdai Mohabir had worked as a fish vendor in her youth.Meanwhile, at Essequibo, police are still seeking a breakthrough in the murder of 73-year-old Suroogpattie Ramlakan, called “Auntie Carmen”, whose body was found on the floor of her two-bedroom home at Richmond Village, Essequibo last Friday.Her night dress was pulled above her knees and her neck bore lacerations. There were other injuries that indicated sexual assault. Detectives also found a packet of condoms below a window through which the killer(s) reportedly gained entry. A raincoat was also found at the scene.Detectives believe that Ramlakan’s killer dragged her off her bed sometime between Thursday night and early Friday morning.Residents later saw blood dripping from the slain woman’s floor.Detectives said that the victim was last seen around 19:30 hrs on Thursday.At least six other elderly women who lived alone were murdered between 2009 and 2015. These cases remain unsolved, although police believe that they know the identity of one of the killers.Joyce Lewis, 75: Strangled in her home in March, 2014Three of the victims lived on the East Coast of Demerara, some eleven miles from each other; a fourth lived on the West Bank of Demerara; a fifth in Greater Georgetown and the sixth at Linden.On Friday, August 28, 2009, Bhemwattie Ram, a resident of La Grange, West Bank Demerara, realised that she had not seen her active and healthy 80-year-old grandmother, Kharpattie Shivnauth, for the day. Shivnauth, called ‘Ma’, lived alone in her Lot 66 Independence Street, La Grange home.‘Ma’ was an active individual who was usually up and about in her yard by 05:00 hrs. On Fridays,Jerseys From China, in particular, she would pick flowers and then pray in a small temple in her yard.The worried grand-daughter contacted the elderly woman’s son, who lived a short distance away.At around 19:00 hrs, the son, Gopaul Nauth, accompanied by a few other residents, ventured into Shivnauth’s home.They found Kharpattie Shivnauth lying nude on her bed. Someone had tied her to the bed with strips of cloth. Another piece of cloth was tied around her mouth. It was later revealed that she was suffocated and sexually assaulted. The victim’s gold earrings, gold ring and gold bands were missing.Shivnauth’s two-bedroom house was ransacked, and the son surmised that the killers made off with cash that his mother had stashed in her home. He speculated that his mother’s killers gained entry by climbing through an open eastern window, which had no panes.From left: Rajkumarie Mahadeo, 78: Strangled outside her home on ChristmasEve, 2009. Khirul Najidam, Sukhdai Ramkilaum, 68, Prempattie RamsundarKharpattie Shivnauth was last seen alive on Thursday August 27, 2009,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, when she h