標題: Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey Vishnu Sooklal
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-14 15:18  資料 私人訊息 
Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey Vishnu Sooklal
Witnesses in the $135M cocaine bust that occurred on the Demerara River in early January of this year continued to give evidence in the matter against the two accused Mark Singh and Steve Reddy yesterday.Shazim Dean was also charged for the drugs that were allegedly found aboard the boat,Cheap Jerseys China, Bismarck 2. The accused appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine- Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Vic Puran is the Special Prosecutor, while Attorneys Mark Waldron and Nigel Hughes are representing Singh and Reddy respectively.Shazim Dean’s matter is being handled separately from that of the other accused. His matter is being heard by Magistrate Sueanna Lovell,Cheap Jerseys From China, and has reached the point where he is to lead the defence.Dean however showed up yesterday and gave evidence on behalf of the prosecution. He was cross-examined by defence counsel Nigel Hughes and will return for further cross-examination.The men were charged for reportedly having 27.230 kilograms of cocaine in their possession. The police in a press release had stated that the drug bust came after three months of intelligence gathering. The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) had claimed that the boat was intercepted by drug ranks that waited until the vessel had departed Port Georgetown.Marijuana with a street value of $10M was also found aboard the boat. It is understood that though the cannabis was found aboard the same vessel as the cocaine, it appeared as if the accused had no knowledge about the herbs and therefore the offence could not be pinned on them.Apart from the three accused a security guard,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, Vishnu Sooklall, and the boat’s captain Billy Glasgow, were also involved in the matter. They were alleged to have had 27.230 kilograms of cocaine between Houston and Meadow Bank on January 18.The boat captain was also charged for having the 103.974 kilograms of marijuana in his possession. Mark Singh,Cheap Jerseys Online, the police said,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, aided Reddy in fleeing police captivity after persons had been arrested in the bust. The police said Reddy was arrested since a witness claimed that he had made arrangements to put the drugs on the boat. He allegedly had drugs in his possession in Houston.As for Dean,Wholesale Jerseys China, it is alleged that he had drugs between two communities on the East Bank Demerara.To the charges, all the parties pleaded not guilty. The matter will continue on May 21.