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註冊 2017-5-25
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-victim to undergo surgery after losing kidneyActing Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine- Beharry, yesterday remanded a 27-year-old plumber fingered? in last Monday’s shooting incident that caused a foreign based Guyanese man to lose a kidney.Oriely Small of Lot 6 Ketley and Drysdale Street,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, Charlestown,Evan Engram Jersey, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court charged with armed robbery and attempted murder. The defendant faced the two charges after he allegedly discharged a loaded weapon at Felix Alleyne,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, who he attempted to rob of a gold chain worth $150,Cheap NFL Jerseys co,000.Court prosecutor, Sergeant Lionel Harvey stated that on January 9, the defendant and another individual went to a home located in East Ruimveldt and robbed Alleyne.The court heard that Alleyne is a Guyanese living abroad and would visit Guyana often. Alleyne had gone to a friend’s house when the defendant and an accomplice allegedly entered the home with a gun. Small,NFL Jerseys Outlet, according to the police,Cheap Jerseys Online, held on to Alleyne’s chain refusing to give it up. Alleyne allegedly pushed Small away but was shot in the abdomen.The defendant later made good his escape with the man’s jewelry.Small is being represented by Defence Counsel George Thomas and Adrian Thompson.He was also denied bail since the prosecution argued that the offence is of a serious nature. The prosecutor also told the court that the victim was still hospitalised and has since lost a kidney.Small was subsequently remanded and ordered to return to court on January 16.