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Custom Raptors Jersey …
…prosecutor says charges pending for othersClive Vanlewin, who was identified as one of the men that launched a brazen early morning attack onREMANDED: Clive VanlewinNumber 79 Village, Corentyne Berbice Cambio Dealer, Devendra Churaman has been charged with robbery under-arms.Vanlewin is 18 years old and resides at Sand Hills, Berbice River.He was remanded to prison until December 29, after he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.It is alleged that on December 12,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, at Number 79 Village, Corentyne Berbice, Vanlewin while in the company of others and armed with a gun robbed Churaman of $22,500,000.An unrepresented Vanlewin was not required to plead to the indictable charge. He was instructed to make his next court appearance at the Springlands Magistrate’s Court.Commander of Police ‘B’ Division,Wholesale China Jerseys, Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, had confirmed that one of the suspects was positively identified by Churaman during an identification held at the Albion Police Station last week Wednesday. The commander revealed that Churaman related to police that during the confrontation in his bedroom, the mask of one of the bandits fell off enabling him to see the face of the perpetrator.According to reports,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, the bandits who were armed with AK-47 rifles, shotguns,Bobby Orr Jersey, cutlasses and sledge hammers launched their attack around 01:45hrs on the day in question. It was reportedCambio Dealer: Devendra Churamanthat five of the men who were masked, smashed through the front window of Churaman’s home and hammered through a steel door to his bedroom to gain access.Based on reports, the businessman was held at gunpoint and forced to lie face down on the floor while the bandits demanded cash and jewellery.There were reports that while the five men carried out their rampage in the Cambio Dealer’s home, ten others stood guard in the streets firing shots and lighting firecrackers to keep neighbours distracted and at bay. The bandits reportedly escaped with the multi-million- dollar haul in local currency and $1M in jewellery.When asked if he has any objections to the accused being granted bail,Custom Raptors Jersey, Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones replied in the affirmative.According to Jones,Cheap Jerseys Online, Vanlewin was positively identified by the virtual complainant as one of the men who invaded his home. The prosecutor noted that firearms were used during the commissioning of the robbery. He also cited the nature and gravity of the charge.Prosecutor Jones indicated that several others will be charged in relation to the robbery.