標題: Jerseys NFL Wholesale 55
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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發表於 2017-7-12 12:33  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL Wholesale 55
Commissioner of Police Henry Greene has been granted three more years as head of the Guyana Police Force, ostensibly because of the administration’s confidence in his tenure.Greene reached the age of retirement,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 55, on Monday and although the extension of his tenure has not been officially announced, well placed sources confirmed that he has been granted the extension by President Bharrat Jagdeo.His colleagues in the force administration were unaware of the extension although they suspected that something was amiss when Commissioner Greene did not proceed on pre-retirement leave as his age of retirement approached.Greene, whose position as Commissioner of Police was only confirmed this year,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, took over as the country’s top cop in November 2006 from Winston Felix.He is a qualified attorney at law,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, having completed studies at the Hugh Wooding Law School several years ago.Greene as Commissioner is widely acknowledged for his role in the dismantling of criminal gangs that had been plaguing the country for several years following the February 2002 jail break.At the time he took over the force, the country was in the midst of a vicious crime wave with gangs led by Rondell Rawlins carrying out brutal massacres of civilians and a public outcry for a solution was overwhelming.In 2008, under the leadership of Greene and with the assistance of the Guyana Defence Force,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the police were able to crack the Rondell Rawlins’s gang.Earlier,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, the force was able to eliminate Neil Bovell who had been a nuisance on West Bank Demerara,Cheap NFL Jerseys, also under Greene’s tenure as Police Commissioner.There were other notable successes, including the recovery of a GuySuCo payroll and the arrest of the perpetrators and the slaying of three known criminals on the Cromarty foreshore in Berbice.Greene also took a strong stance against corruption in the force with several ranks being placed before the courts. The traffic situation is also under the microscope with the implementation of the ‘Zero Tolerance Campaign’, which was introduced in 2007 to stem the high rate of accidents.He is now preparing to host the annual Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police conference.However the move to extend Greene’s time at the helm of the force may cause some concern since it will interfere with the smooth succession planning of the organisation.This concern was raised during the tenure of Laurie Lewis who continued as the Commissioner of Police long after he had reached the age of retirement.