標題: Wholesale Jerseys APNU
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-12 00:55  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys APNU
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change combined their resources, time and efforts yesterday, and staged a protest in front of Freedom House in New Amsterdam, calling for the immediate sacking of embattled Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee. Additionally, the placards displayed by the dozens of persons also protested various issues such as discrimination,Andy Pettitte Jersey, poor road-building,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, and neglect by the Government of Guyana and the Region 6 Administration.“Rohee must go!”; “We demand an end to marginalization by the PPP government and by the Region 6 Administration”; “An end to dictatorship by Ramotar”; “We want water extension”; “We need new roads; no more repairs of bridges”; “All people have rights, no more shooting”; “People of Guyana want justice—Rohee must go!”; “We need justice now”; “We demand the government’s attention,Cheap Jerseys From China, we want new roads now”.According to the demonstrators, they were protesting for “Removal of Rohee, better roads, justice for all, the return to democracy,Soccer Jerseys From China, better living conditions, reckless shooting of civilians,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, as well as street lights for East Bank Berbice”. Also, they were protesting that the Enfield/New Doe Park Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) is an illegal body.One AFC protestor from East Bank Berbice stated that, “we are more or less demonstrating our democratic right and we are venting our feelings that we have no confidence in the Minister of Home Affairs and we are supporting our parliamentarians, who are working for the citizens of Guyana so no more youths can be killed at the hands of the police; Rohee must go!”An APNU protestor said that “we stand in solidarity with our MPs who issued a no confidence vote in Rohee and we also don’t have any confidence in Rohee and we won’t stop our strike until he goes so we urge the president to do the just thing and let Rohee go. Mr. Rohee himself said that he is no visionary,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, and the Guyana Police Force needs a visionary leader, Rohee himself acknowledge that he is not the person for the job, so Ramotar must act and do the just thing”.Another vocal protestor said, “I feel Rohee should go a long time—not only now—he shouldn’t be in Parliament, because if the head [is] rotten, what you think gonna happen to the tail? If he doing wrong thing there, it will affect here a lot. Since that man in there as Home Affairs minister—it’s sheer funerals around the place. He should have never been in parliament. He ain’t fit for parliament and we stand here today to see Mr. Rohee move from parliament, he ain’t fit for parliament. He has to go! Completely! Completely! Or we will take the streets at every sitting. We stand here as Guyanese! We ain’t able with it anymore. He must go! He must go!