標題: Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey there and everywher
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-11 05:05  資料 私人訊息 
Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey there and everywher
When a man learn from he friends to thief he might change but when he learn from he mooma and daady he gun thief till he dead. That is de case of de Chinee contractor who come fuh extend de runway at de big airport.De parent company go allover de place bribing people. De parent company bribe here,Cheap Jerseys From China, there and everywhere,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, including in people underwear. One man get jail and one get a death sentence because he tek a bribe from de same Chinee company. Dem boys want fuh know how come dem didn’t jail de people who offer de bribe.But de pickney company think it smart. It start a PR campaign fuh look good. That is wha thief man does do. He does dress up nice. Every time dem have a robbery people does hear how de people dress nice and dem fool de victim. That is wha de pickney company doing.De problem is that no perfume can mek a pig smell nice. In de same way no nice clothes can mek a thief get clean. De airport expansion cost more money than when dem build it from scratch. But that is not all. Dem boys want know how de job cost US$150 million when one engineer seh that it shouldn’t cost more than US$20 million.And de same contractor got de nerve to talk bout integrity. That is a big word that mean nice and clean. De man who bring dem? know that nobody gun seh that he got integrity.Fuh sure de kickback deh in de high price. De contractor gun tek out de real cost and share de difference wid nuff people.Dem boys seh that dem should share some of de money wid Edghill. He got to pay de Waterfalls paper and Uncle Freddie. If he did sit down and shut he mouth he woulda deh good. But he spiteful. He run to de court fuh jail Uncle Freddie.Now,Nike NFL Jerseys China, according to dem boys,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, he got to pawn that big chain he does wear fuh pay de Waterfalls paper and Uncle Freddie.? De same Waterfalls paper gun give he de best price suh he might still get a small piece fuh buy de fry rice wha he like.Talk half and open de pawn shop foh de oda half.