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積分 68535
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-10 21:26  資料 私人訊息 
In an effort to develop the capacity of Guyanese, tour guides and operators in the field of “health and safety” from the international group” Explore Worldwide”, recently concluded their capacity building sessionsExplore Worldwide’s, Yvonne Ramsay (second from right) flanked by stakeholder in Guyana’s Tourism Industry.at the Ministry of Tourism, earlier this week.The sessions were organised in collaboration with the Tourism Ministry, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA),Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Tourism and Hospitality Authority of Guyana (THAG), and Wilderness Explorers.? Training tourism personnel on the necessary procedures with regard to health and safety was Explorer Worldwide’s, Yvonne Ramsay.Ramsay trained about 49 individuals from 14 tourism agencies,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/Adidas/, and will be continuing the training sessions with various tourist resorts throughout the week. Speaking to the media, Ramsay said that she “wanted to make sure that everyone was prepared for the degrees of safety that are now expected throughout the world.”She noted that in her 22 -years of working in the tourism industry across the world, she has seen a significant increase in the attention tourists pay towards health and safety.? “Customers want to go somewhere and they want to know that that somewhere is safe,” said the British tour expert. Ramsay also remarked that it is easy for travellers to become complacent and not realise the dangers they face.Furthermore, Ramsay explained that the recent training sessions required two to three days of “intense training” with stakeholders,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, while the training at the lodges will be directed more so towards the staff.President of THAG, Shaun McGrath, also commented on the importance health and safety plays in Guyana as the industry continues to grow. He pointed to a recent survey conducted by the Association of the British Travel Agents and Consumers, which found that 89 percent of customers regarded health and safety as either “important” or “very important” when travelling.“Health and safety are an important part in tourism and if it is not received and handled in an appropriate way it can cause serious damage, not only to businesses but to the industry across the board,” said McGrath. Moreover,Jerseys Cheap NFL, he said that stakeholders can expect more similar sessions, as THAG is looking to collaborate with other groups outside of Explore Worldwide.Meanwhile, Caribbean Airlines’ Sales Executive, Dion Inniss, said that his company,Wholesale Jerseys, as a stakeholder in Guyana’s tourism industry,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, will continue to help facilitate similar training programmes to optimise the country’s capacity for health and safety.