標題: Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys Khemraj Narine
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閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2596
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-7-7 06:54  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys Khemraj Narine
“It is a crime against the nation of Guyana that the President of Guyana can eerily admit that theAttorney-at-Law Nigel Hughesassignment of the honour,Authentic Jerseys Sale, status and distinction of Senior Counsel in the legal profession is granted or withheld based on the political affiliation of lawyers or the whims and fancy of the Head of Government.”This passionate observation was made by the University of Guyana Workers’ Union (UGWU) which in a statement condemned the recent verbal attack by President Bharrat Jagdeo on Attorney-at-law, Nigel Hughes.The Union is also demanding the resignation of the President, citing “his scurrilous descent into ‘cuss-down’ behaviour at Lusignan last Sunday,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, in which Hughes was personally abused and criminal allegations made against him by the President”.The UGWU in its statement signed by its Chairman,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Bruce Haynes; Vice Chairman Frederick Kissoon? and Treasurer, Khemraj Narine, said that it is appalled and extremely disgusted at the violent vocabulary of the President directed against one of its legal advisors,Cheap Jerseys From China, who it conceives as one of the greatest human rights lawyers the Third World has given birth to.The statement also drew reference to Hughes and his family for all the good work done for the UGWU and its sister unions in the trade union movement.“The UGWU wants the Guyanese people to know that in its estimation, President Jagdeo would never be able to attain the heights of integrity that Mr. Hughes embodies…”The Union asserted that Hughes is a highly cultured and urbane citizen of Guyana, and has been an outstanding nationalist in service to the Guyanese people adding that “he is a tireless fighter for the rights of the downtrodden,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, the criminally abused and the politically victimized.”“The UGWU considers the vicious semantics of the President as being immoral, improper and unpresidential and calls upon the Guyanese people to demand the immediate resignation of this politician that continues to put Guyana in a bad light with a deportment that is constantly punctuated with cuss-down scatology.”The Union however emphasized that while it serves members of all political parties and will not choose an organization vying for power in the forthcoming elections based on trade union principles, it is calling on PPP/C Presidential Candidate,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Donald Ramotar to address the nation on the president’s proclamation about Hughes not being granted Senior Counsel status.“The Union will be forced to denounce Mr. Ramotar’s candidacy if he refuses to express himself on this incredibily poisonous statement by President Jagdeo. The Union awaits Mr. Ramotar’s response.”