標題: Jerseys From China student
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-7-6 17:59  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys From China student
Guyana’s top Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) student, Yana Marisa Edwards, has been declared the Most Outstanding Overall Candidate of the Region who participated in the 2008 CSEC Examination.The Queen’s College student, who attained grade one passes in 14 subject areas, is expected to be presented with an award at the CXC Annual Regional Top Awards ceremony scheduled for Thursday, December 4 at the Hilton Hotel in Barbados.This is the third consecutive year that a Queen’s College student has been the recipient of the award. In 2006,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Shirvanie Persaud copped the award,Jerseys NFL Cheap, a feat that was repeated last year by her colleague, Wainella Isaacs.Edwards,Jerseys From China, during an interview yesterday, revealed that she first learnt that she had joined the outstanding league on Friday when her Head Teacher, Ms Friedel Isaacs, made an announcement during general assembly.Top student Yana-Marisa Edwards and her mom, Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards, pose for Kaieteur News yesterdayAccording to the 16-year-old,Cheap NFL Jerseys, she reacted calmly to the disclosure, but was yet elated that her hard work would see her being the recipient of a very prestigious award.“I may not show it, but the way I feel about doing so well is the way that Usain Bolt may have felt when he won the 100 metres in Beijing,” said the young Edwards, when asked to express the way she feels.“It’s like I’m gone beyond Cloud Nine to no expression,Custom Raptors Jersey, and there is no action that can fully justify my feelings,” she further asserted.Edwards was, earlier this month,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, awarded for being the overall best local performer at CSEC. She also copped awards for best performance in Science and for being the top performer at the secondary level.According to the lass, who plans on pursuing a career in medicine, receiving those awards comes as her reward for five years of hard work at Queen’s College.She credits her success to the support she got from her parents, Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards and Dr Morris Edwards, as well as her teachers, a fact which was emphasised by Justice Cummings-Edwards during an interview yesterday.According to her, Yana’s success came through a combination of hard work and parental and teacher support.“We have been there to give her all the support that she needed, and we have stood by her side right through; and, to my mind, that is responsible for her success. We would like to give God praise and thanks for what He has done…for it is indeed a great achievement.”Two other Queen’s College students have also been identified to receive awards at the CXC ceremony in December.Suraj Mattai, who gained 11 grade one passes and one grade two pass at the CSEC examination, will be the recipient of an award for the best performance in Business, while Aaron Haralsingh will receive a similar award for best performance in Science.