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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-12-13 20:33  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale China Jerseys globally
The rationale behind and the manner in which the shares Government owns in Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company will be revealed at the upcoming parliamentary.This is according to a senior functionary close to the sale of assets.Leader of the PNCR, Robert CorbinMinister of Finance,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Dr. Ashni SinghThis newspaper understands that prior to the announcement of a parliamentary debate,Georgia Bulldogs Jerseys, the decision would have been up to the Board of Directors of the Privatisation Unit and ultimately,Cheap Baseball Jerseys China, up to the Cabinet.Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Robert Corbin, has questioned the rationale behind the government’s decision to sell its 20 per cent shares in the Guyana Telephone and Telephone Company.He had since signaled his intention to first investigate that rationale. He has also announced that he will be moving a motion in the National Assembly to have the issue vented publicly.Corbin said that it is questionable that the government,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, especially in the current economic downturn, globally, would want to sell a source of significant revenue.According to Corbin, one such reason could very well be, that it is resorting to transactions aimed at benefiting friends and would be engaging in deals that would not be transparent.On May 7, last, it was announced that government has offered to sell its 20 percent shares in the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T).Chairman of the Privatisation Union, Winston Brassington, at the time,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, told Kaieteur News that the announcement was made at the company’s Annual General Meeting, yesterday.The initial offer of sale was offered to GT&T’s parent company, Atlantic Tele-Network Inc. but ATN has since declined.“We are hoping to get a very good value, you value your share based on how much money you can make. I do not believe that any other company in Guyana is doing as well as GT&T,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” Brassington added.He stressed that the administration will not ‘give away’ or sell its shares ‘cheaply.’Following the announcement that the opposition was seeking to have a parliamentary debate on the issue, the Minister of Finance,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Dr. Ashni Singh said that the Government would welcome a debate in Parliament on the subject of the proposed sale of the minority shareholding in the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Limited.The Minister indicated that the Government’s willingness to debate the issue is so strong that were the Opposition to fail to raise the matter in Parliament, the Government might itself consider initiating such a debate in Parliament.The Minister said that Government’s overriding concern continues to be the modernising and liberalising of the telecommunications sector, as a means of ensuring more widespread and affordable access to reliable information and communications technology.