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註冊 2017-5-25
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Cheap Jerseys while still alive
How did a 14-year-old girl end up being slain and dumped in a trench after a Boxing Day jaunt?Who choked, battered and drowned another girl of similar age after luring her to the Turkeyen seawalls?Was the gunning down of waitress Debra Blackman more than just a bungled robbery?Where could six-year-old Daniel Adolphus have vanished to?And the million-dollar question: Who is the real mastermind behind the killings of 72-year-old Clementine Fiedtkou-Parris?These are just a few of a long list of baffling cases that remain unsolved and that the Force’s detectives will hope to solve in the New Year.Under Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, and with the help of its Major Crimes Unit, the Guyana Police Force has recorded amazing success within the past few months in solving several challenging murder cases.Those that come to mind include the August 31,wholesale jerseys, 2013 murder of businesswoman Sirmattie Ramnaress, battered to death in her Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara home; the murder of 73-year-old Suroogpattie Ramlakan, called Auntie Carmen, slain in her Richmond Village, Essequibo residence in February, 2015; the January 12, 2015 execution-style murder of businesswoman Patricia Senasie.The May 31, shooting death of taxi driver Dennis Narine (initially believed to have been a robbery) and the suspected ‘staged’ killing of 56-year-old cash crop vendor Pamela Kendall, allegedly at the hands of her reputed husband.But several just as baffling cases remain. Here are a few that I would like the police to return to.‘WATERSIDE MURDERS’On Friday December 16, 2014, 14-year-old Tiana Raghber, reportedly disappeared around 21:45 hrs, after leaving her parents’ home without notifying anyone.Her father, Jaiprakash Raghber, a construction worker,China NFL Jerseys, says that the family, including Tiana, had gone to a gymkhana that day. He said they returned home at Lot 32 Reliance Abandon, East Canje Berbice around 20:00 hrs.According to him, they proceeded to watch television and Tiana, who is the eldest of two children, later brought his food upstairs and reportedly went to fetch him something to drink.When she did not return, he began calling for her,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but got no response. Relatives began a frantic but fruitless search for the teen.Mr. Raghber stated that he did not report his daughter missing because it was not the first time that she had left home without informing anyone.Debra BlackmanRamesh KatarhnauthTiana RaghberHe said that during the search, he received information that a body was found in a trench at Adelphi. ?His worst fears were confirmed when he arrived at the scene and recognized it was his daughter.When she was found she had wounds to her eye, forehead and face. A postmortem revealed that the 14-year-old was choked and dumped, while still alive, in the trench in which she was found.Sparing no effort to solve the case, investigators detained four villagers and even detained the slain girl’s father and stepmother and impounded their vehicle.This reportedly happened after police received conflicting reports about events leading up to the teen’s demise.Reports that some villagers had threatened the victim’s father and his family had led police to detain four men, but they were subsequently released.The ‘waterside’ turned out to be the scene of other baffling murders this year.In early June, persons passing by the Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara seawalls spotted the nude body of a girl among some boulders.Daniel AdolphusAlicia AliShe was later identified as 14-year-old Campbellville Secondary School student Alicia Ali.Alicia’s mother, Maylene Williams, said she last saw her daughter alive when Alicia left home to go to a nearby shop.After finding what appeared to be a suicide letter in her bedroom, Detectives initially suspected that the girl had taken her own life.In the letter, which seemed to be addressed to the teen’s mother, Alicia reportedly complained about being deprived of her freedom and accused her mother of restricting her movements. The teen also reportedly stated that by the time her mother read the letter, she (Alicia) “would be dead.”Police said that the handwriting in the letter and in the teen’s notebooks appeared to be similar.But then a pathologist who examined the corpse gave the cause of death as asphyxia due to drowning, compounded by compression injury to the neck and blunt trauma to the head. The pathologist found no evidence of sexual assault.Police also questioned the victim’s boyfriend, who was said to be in his twenties. The man reportedly stated that he had last seen Alicia Ali about three weeks prior to her death. He also denied ever having a sexual relationship with the minor.The case has seemingly gone cold….and so, apparently, have two other ‘seawall murders.’On April 11, 2015, t