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註冊 2017-5-25
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Wholesale NFL Jerseys at its highest level
A two-day exposition of Guyanese goods and services that began Saturday at the Guyana Consulate in Barbados promises well for further development of trade ties between the two CARICOM states.So says Permanent Secretary in the Barbados Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Charles Burnett. He referred to a joint agreement on a number of areas of cooperation signed between the two countries in October when Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Maxine McLean, visited Guyana.Officials at the launching“This Guyana Craft, Tourism and Trade Exposition presents an excellent opportunity to give life to the agreements reached in October by the Joint Commission,Budda Baker Jersey,” Burnett said this morning at the Guyana Consulate in Sefton Lodge,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, Briton’s Hill.“In addition to its commercial value I see this event also serving the purpose of exposing and highlighting Guyana’s rich and diverse cultural heritage to Barbados.”He added, “So while this exposition showcases Guyana’s goods to local consumers, be they enterprises or the local householder, at its highest level, it plays a significant role in deepening relationships between our two countries, with the potential to stimulate further economic activity for trade in goods and the development of tourism-related partnerships.”The expo is coordinated by Go-Invest, a Guyana investment agency.Noting that the October agreement can further enhance economic and social well-being between the two countries,Cheap Jerseys China, Guyana Consul General to Barbados, Michael Brotherson, said, “I therefore urge Go-Invest and its Barbadian counterpart, the Barbados Investment and development Corporation,Wholesale Jerseys From China, to ensure that activities like today’s are reciprocated annually”.Permanent Secretary in the BarbadosMinistry of Foreign Affairs,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, Charles Burnett(Left), favours a straw hat on exhibition.