標題: Jerseys NFL Cheap at Georgetown
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-12-2 06:56  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL Cheap at Georgetown
Merely eight days after Guyana’s new bill was released,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, a miner was brought before the courts for possessing forged versions of the $5000 currency.Yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, a charge of Possession of Forged Currency was read to Guy Matheson by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.According to the prosecution,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, on December 16, at Georgetown, Matheson without lawful authority had in his possession four $5,000 forged currency notes, knowing same to be forged.The miner who is a resident of Enmore,Wholesale Jerseys China, East Coast Demerara, pleaded guilty to the charge and told the court his version of events.He explained that whilst walking he had found an envelope which contained the four notes and two hundred-dollar bills.“I spent the $200 but ah din sure, because I never see green money before,Jerseys From China, so I went to a shop to clarify with the shop owner,” Matheson told the court.The accused claimed that he was not told anything by the shop owner, but subsequently noticed the police arriving. He said at that point he recorded that he was still oblivious, since a charge of simple larceny was supposed to be instituted to him.However,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, he said that to his surprise he was charged for the money which he claimed that he neither spent nor had intentions of spending. He said that whilst at the station he learnt that he should have taken the money to the station, and that it was too late at that point.After listening to the man’s explanation,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the Magistrate entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.However, the Prosecution which was led by Corporal Bharat Mangru objected on account of the serious nature and prevalence of the offence. He also added that more charges will likely be pressed against the accused.The Chief Magistrate however, overruled the objections of the prosecution and offered the unrepresented miner bail to the tune of $75,000. He is expected to return to court on February 7, 2014 for statements.