標題: Fabian Moreau Youth Jersey Robert Williams
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-9-1 04:29  資料 私人訊息 
Fabian Moreau Youth Jersey Robert Williams
Through its amnesty offer to rate payers, the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown has been able to garner more than $92M.As a result, the municipality,Takkarist McKinley Womens Jersey, as of Monday was able to commence the payment of September salaries. All staff members will be in receipt of full payment by Friday.Public Relations Officer, Royston King, made this disclosure yesterday. He said that while a notable amount of rate payers had responded to the amnesty many are yet to visit the municipality in this regard.In a release issued on Monday, King had highlighted that the period of amnesty granted to property owners would come to an end today. He also noted that it was unlikely that the facility would be extended further.“Council is urging all property owners who have not settled their accounts to do so immediately since no other period would be designated during the year for this activity,Cheap Jerseys NFL China,” King asserted.He pointed out that the council had sought to grant the amnesty to all property owners in the city since many were experiencing difficulties in honouring their civic obligation to the municipality. The amnesty, as a result was intended to relieve tax payers of the accumulated interest their taxes would have attracted due to their failure to pay promptly.King underscored yesterday that regardless of how much is owed,Dawuane Smoot Jersey, rate payers must embrace the benefit of taking advantage of the amnesty. “We can only urge them to come in but it is mandatory, and they will have to pay up, that rate payers settle their accounts fully so that we can fulfil our mandate.”According to King the municipality is mandated to address various issues in the city, including environmental health, enforcement of the building code, maintain open spaces and parks, road building and repairs, maintenance of the municipal day care among other crucial aspects.Meanwhile, the municipality remains indebted to private garbage contractors even after paying a sum of $45 M,Zay Jones Womens Jersey, a payment that was aided by Government’s payment of $41M of rates and taxes owed to the city entity.“Citizens need to remember that we are still indebted and we can only fulfil what we have to do if they fulfil their civic duty first,” King noted.The collection of property taxes, according to King, represents about 80 percent of the municipal revenue base which is in fact below the requisite amount needed to manage the municipality optimally.It was revealed recently that despite engaging desperate measures to reverse its cash-strapped state, the municipality is yet to collect outstanding rates and taxes for the period July to December amounting to more than $600M.This disclosure was highlighted when municipal officials met with representatives of the Guyana Labour Union (GLU) to discuss the municipality’s financial position last week.The meeting had come as part of the city entity’s attempt to garner the support of the union which represents more than 60 percent of those within its employ in order to prevent the possibility of industrial action should the municipality not be able to pay salaries on time.According to King the meeting was cordial and there was mutual understanding between the parties involved.Also, it was disclosed that while the municipality had budgeted to collect just over $400 M of outstanding accrued interest, a mere $59 M has so far been collected.Chairman of the Finance Committee and Deputy Mayor, Robert Williams, in explaining the financial circumstances of the municipality,Jorge Campos Mexico Jersey, at that forum,Joe Hart Manchester City Jersey, had underscored the urgent need for new revenue measures, including the new Valuation Roll which was prepared some years ago by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).King related that the long anticipated Valuation Roll is one of the main avenues from which the municipality could have been gaining substantial and additional revenue.