標題: Marouane Fellaini Manchester Jersey and this
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-29 18:40  資料 私人訊息 
Marouane Fellaini Manchester Jersey and this
Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Greenidge said that his decision to recall the previously appointed diplomaticForeign Minister,Carl GreenidgeHeads of Guyana Mission is in keeping with international best practices. The Minister said that it is the view of the new Government that various Heads of Mission should not be in-situ for 20 years or more.? The normal practice is a two to four- year rotation, and this, the Minister said, will be restored.The intention is also for politicians who are not career diplomats,Ricky Nolasco Jersey, who were given posts by a President,Jim Rice Red Sox Throwback Jersey, to bring their term of employment to an end,Michael Jordan USA Jersey, when the President leaves office. He stressed that this has to be the case with Guyana. “There is nothing special about the PPP politicians who are wearing the hat of diplomats today. They have to recognise that they served the President that appointed them,Chris Carter Jersey, then they have to step down,Yan Gomes Jersey, there is nothing peculiar about it,” Minister Greenidge told the Government Information Agency.It was pointed out that the rules of the Foreign Office allow those serving overseas to spend an extra two months to “wind up” their operations, Minister Greenidge said. The established protocol is that when a new government takes office, the various Heads of Mission report to the new President.He said that it is obvious that a President has to appoint those persons that he trusts,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Uruguay-Alvaro-Pereira-Jersey.html, that he has faith in, and who know and understand his initiatives. It is nothing to do with a person having a right to a position as a diplomat. There is no such right, he stressed.The Foreign Ministry expects all of the Heads of Mission, to return to Guyana, unless otherwise instructed by the President.