標題: Matthias Ginter Jersey Guyana got two presidents
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-29 16:46  資料 私人訊息 
Matthias Ginter Jersey Guyana got two presidents
If Jagdeo come out de limelight he gun get sick and dead. He too full of heself. It look like if he don’t get de limelight he gun get sick and dead. Dem boys don’t want him get sick outside. Dem want he get sick in prison.Soulja Bai address de United Nations Tuesday and while he talking he hear that Jagdeo deh in de compound. Dem Guyanese reporter see him in de compound walking like if he head ain’t good. Dem boys hear he tell somebody that he don’t want nutten to do wid Soulja Bai but when he step outside he telling de security at de United Nations that he is part of de Guyana Government.Dem boys seh that he so accustom to doing illegal things that when de security brackle him he first thing he seh is that he is de president.? He try a bluff. De security ask him “President of what? Guyana got two presidents? Because we know one of dem deh inside”.Then he seh he is president of Climate Change. Dem tell him that he got to wait till de real president step outside. Then dem gun allow him to go in because dem got nuff other presidents around.Dem got presidents of de scamps,Clay Buchholz Red Sox Jersey, presidents of thieves and de like. You got to wait till de real president come out. Then de security ask if he was not de same man who promise to sell a man in Guyana one chandelier?Jagdeo start to stammer. Then de security ask him if that is why he beat out de place. De security then ask him if he ain’t got to go back to Guyana. Dem boys seh that he can run but he can’t hide. Dem boys seh that he should know that he can’t bluff de Waterfalls boss man.Rob de Earth did try that and when de Waterfalls boss man call he bluff he run and lef all dem reporter in Parika back dam. He did threaten to show dem reporters de bridge wha he build fuh $3 billion—some at Parika Back dam and some at Den Amstel back dam. Dem boys want an investigation fuh that project.De Waterfalls boss man intend to call Jagdeo bluff wid de chandelier. He done write de check. He waiting fuh Jagdeo come back. He gun wait outside de VIP exit and wait but knowing de man who he is he might change he plans and use de gate wha de cash jet man use before he get ketch.Talk half and watch out fuh another bluff