標題: Custom Toronto Jersey –
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積分 68535
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-28 20:05  資料 私人訊息 
Custom Toronto Jersey –
– drug may have passed through Guyana watersA Venezuelan vessel,jerseys from china, which apparently passed through Guyanese waters on October 16, was seized by Surinamese authorities after approximately 100 pounds of cocaine was discovered as the vessel made port in Suriname.Reports have said that the vessel,Donnel Pumphrey Jersey, described as a Venezuelan fast boat, was forced to stop in the Pomeroon area for fuel.When the vessel made port in Suriname,Champions Chelsea Jersey UK, a shootout ensued,Marc Staal Rangers Jersey, leaving one Surinamese police officer dead. At present, the Surinamese police are said to be investigating the matter,Ozzie Newsome Browns Jersey, and are apparently collaborating with law enforcement agencies from Guyana and the wider Caribbean, so as to track the movement of the vessel.The investigation also hopes to link the boat to an owner.This incident comes just weeks after the Guyana Police Narcotics Section discovered a container of rice, which was supposed to be shipped to Jamaica, packed with a quantity of cocaine, with a street value of over US$3.75 million.Prior to this,Ivan Rakitic Jersey, there have been numerous shipments of cocaine out of Guyana, where the drug was concealed in fish, lumber and suitcases. In these cases, arrests were made in the countries to which the drug was being shipped.