標題: Angel Di Maria Jersey new information has surface
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帖子 22845
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2595
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-28 00:56  資料 私人訊息 
Angel Di Maria Jersey new information has surface
Pretipaul Jaigobin is said to be in much better spirits and is now listed as stable. He has managed to open his eyes and from reports there is not much threat to his eyesight.Yesterday, too,Antonio Garcia Jersey, this newspaper was informed that the shop owner’s wife and a baby were burnt during the incident. The woman and infant were both treated at a city hospital and sent away as their burns were not as severe as those sustained by Jaigobin.In the meantime, the woman has since given a statement to the police.In addition, new information has surfaced, suggesting that Jaigobin was followed by a white Laurel motor car. Persons who witnessed the incident said they noticed the car following Jaigobin but after he entered the shop the car turned around and parked some distance away from the shop. A man subsequently came out and calmly walked into the shop.Once the evil deed was done,Jaromir Jagr Penguins Jersey, persons say the man ran back to the waiting white car and fled the scene.On Tuesday night last, Jaigobin, the outspoken Assistant Treasurer of the Guyana Cricket Board,Wilbert Montgomery Eagles Jersey, had his face disfigured when a container of acid was thrown on him.Speaking with this newspaper, Jaigobin, who is also the Treasurer of the East Coast Demerara and Demerara Cricket Boards,C. J. Beathard Jersey, had said that the man came up to him just as he was about to leave the shop,Jarrad Davis Jersey, and threw the substance in his face.“All the man said was, ‘Why you don’t leave me friends them alone? You want power?’ and he threw the thing in my face,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online,” Jaigobin said.Such was the power of the liquid that it burnt the entire front of his shirt and also resulted in burns to his chest.He was rushed to the Georgetown Hospital where he remains a patient in the Burns Care Unit.