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Cheap Jerseys yesterday
Although there has been an increase in the level of oral health awareness in the local society, there is still a great need for people to better understand the importance of good oral hygiene.This notion was emphasised,Tedric Thompson Jersey, yesterday, by Community Dental Therapists,Joe Williams 49ers Jersey, Holly Adridge, who is attached to the Grove Health Centre.Adridge, along with her colleague, Dentex Faye Duncan and fellow Dental Therapist,Paddy McNair Jersey, ZoeAnn Anthony-Douglas,Mathieu Flamini Jersey, said yesterday that over the years oral health has remained a great concern to health workers even as they took comfort in the fact that with each passing year there seems to be improvement in the way people care for their mouths.“Particularly between the age range of 10 and 15, we have found that it is not all that bad as it was five years ago. We have found that there are less dental caries to be extracted; we are now able to find them mainly in the early stages where they can be saved so I think it is getting better,” Adridge speculated yesterday.Dental caries, also known as tooth decay or a cavity, is a disease where bacterial processes damage the hard tooth structure or the enamel. These tissues progressively break down, producing dental caries which are in fact cavities or simply put are holes in the teeth.Two groups of bacteria are responsible for initiating caries: Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus. If left untreated, the disease can lead to pain, tooth lost, infection, and in severe cases even death. Today, caries remains one of the most common diseases throughout the world.The Grove Health Centre has, since last week, been engaged in outreach activities as part of its efforts to commemorate Oral Health Month. Oral Health Month is observed in Guyana on an annually basis in the month of November.The month of activities this year is being observed under the theme ‘Healthy mouths for healthy lives’. It was kicked into motion by the Grove Health Centre with a massive dental cleaning programme at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.This was followed by another, last Friday,Asmir Begovic Jersey, at the Kuru Kuru Cooperative College. Another outreach activity was held at the Bounty Supermarket at Grove which attracted a sizeable crowd, Adridge revealed.In addition to undergoing a general dental check up, there were some who were screened and referred to various medical dental facilities. “We have chosen to have several different programmes to help facilitate the public…We are allowing them to access facilities such as composite filling which is not very common.“We did a number of fillings and extraction as well as cleaning.”And come Friday, Adridge said that the activities will be taken up a notch with a dental fair at the Assembly of God Church at Samatta Point, Grove, East Bank, Demerara. This activity, she said, will serve to further raise awareness about the importance of oral health.It was just last year Adridge had highlighted the point that high cost was one of the most common factors preventing individuals from taking better care of their teeth. Her enlightening comment was forthcoming when the Dental team had engaged activities to observe Oral Health month under the theme ‘Partnership: the best strategy for oral health’.And due to individuals’ failure to visit the dentist the advocated twice a year, Adridge said that periodontal problems and dental caries were the recognised outcome, particularly among youths.“I think the problem is caused in children because they are using a lot of sweet and then they are not brushing properly and at the right time. My advice is for them to brush after every meal and in the proper way,Sergio Romero Jersey,” Adridge asserted. As part of the efforts to ensure that children from a very young age are able to practice good oral health, Adridge said that efforts are made on a weekly basis by officials from the Grove Health Centre to visit nursery and primary schools on the East Bank of Demerara.With collaboration from Colgate/Palmolive, Demerara Distillers Limited and the Ministry of Health, this effort is expected to be sustained with the expectation that oral health problems will further decline.