標題: Guillermo Varela Manchester United Jersey NCN
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-27 23:52  資料 私人訊息 
Guillermo Varela Manchester United Jersey NCN
…stakeholders say demands are non-negotiableThe ‘Citizens in Defence of Human Rights and Free and Fair Elections’ group yesterday engaged in another round of protest action outside of the State-owned National Communications Network (NCN) Studios on Homestretch Avenue,Larry Ogunjobi Youth Jersey, and is seeking also to have a meeting with the entity’s administration by this Friday.One of the demands that the grouping is looking to have put in place, and for which they say there will be is no compromise, is the equitable access to the State-owned media by all political parties so that there can be guaranteed free and fair elections on November 28.‘Citizens in Defence of Human Rights and Free and Fair Elections’ outside NCN’s Homestretch Avenue studios yesterdayThe group comprises individuals such as Chartered Accountant and Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram, Trade Unionists Norris Witter and Lincoln Lewis, Social Activist Karen De Souza and Former Parliamentarian Africo Selman among others.Speaking on behalf of his colleagues, Lewis said that should their demands not be met they are prepared to take even more affirmative action in a bid to have free and fair elections in Guyana.Lewis told this publication during the protest action yesterday that,Michael Roberts Womens Jersey, “the letter is merely asking for a meeting with NCN, because they have said that they have a very strategic role in the whole question of delivering free and fair elections in Guyana.”He says that if this is the position of the administration of NCN then they have to put the requisite mechanism in place, that is, for NCN to remove the monopoly that the ruling party has on the television station.The trade unionist says that they are very optimistic that their demands will be met.He did indicate that should their demands not be met by Friday then they will have to meet among themselves to chart a way forward and intensify the struggle where possible.The picketing exercise, he explained, is a part of their strategy in moving on the issue, adding that “nothing in this country is ever achieved unless it is fought for from the current administration”.Lewis said, “When it comes to the question of discriminating, which they (administration) are known for,Gianluigi Donnarumma Jersey, they will not relent unless people take to the street.”Lincoln LewisThe veteran trade unionist who has been a vociferous member of the grouping says that communication between stakeholders is important adding that even in countries where there is intense war there still is some level of communication between warring factions.“Even in Afghanistan when they are bombing, people are talking.”He stressed that in order for their group to achieve their goal they have to speak to the relevant authorities and a specific demand “is that equal access be given to all political parties.”Lewis pointed out that it is not just a question of a ruling and main political opposition party, but there are many parties that have a constitutional right to access the state media and have their platforms heard so that the electorate can make informed decisions come polling day.“What you have are political parties with equal constitutional rights at this juncture entering into the election.”He stressed too that, “there will be no question…that is non-negotiable when it comes to the question of timing and one party will be given more than the other. No way it is not going to operate like that.”Lewis said that it is grossly unfair to have the ruling party be left with such unfettered access to the State media pointing out that, “this is not the day-to-day governing of the country…it is an election”.On the previous day, Lewis had met with media operatives and in a similar vein had stated that the announcement made by President Bharrat Jagdeo in deferring suspension of CNS TV 6 is testimony to the fact that a people united and unrelenting can achieve what is justly theirs.“This struggle for the right to freedom of expression has just commenced and the minimum standards for free, fair and credible elections remain.”At that time he had reiterated the issue of coverage by the state-owned NCN and Chronicle is a right of the people and their rights are non-negotiable.“The people of this country continue to demand open and equal access to the state media, since our tax dollars fund the upkeep of these institutions…This battle is not over and we must remain focused, keeping our eyes on the prize,Cheap Jerseys From China, which is free, fair and credible elections.”He had further stated that the reported 5-minute per week offer to the opposition by NCN is ludicrous and makes a mockery of democracy.Lewi