標題: NFL Jerseys Clearance Lodge Secondary School
Rank: 4

UID 639
精華 0
積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2595
用戶失蹤天數 1948
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-27 10:45  資料 私人訊息 
NFL Jerseys Clearance Lodge Secondary School
Lodge Secondary School will soon be named a Grade ‘A’ School as part of the Ministry of Education’s effort to raise the standard of the education institution.The science laboratory at Lodge SecondaryChief Education Officer, Mr Olato Sam, hinted at this development as he led a tour of school facilities yesterday which signaled the commencement of the school year.? He along with Principal Education Officer of Georgetown, Mr Baydewan Rambaran,Blank Netherland Jersey, visited three city schools. They were accompanied by media operatives.In highlighting foreseen plans for Lodge Secondary, Sam revealed that the school is already equipped with facilities which no other school has. He said too that it is the only educational institution in the entire country that has a full-fledged Science and Arts Programme. This publication was told that every dimension of arts will be offered at the institution.“We marry the Mathematics and English components, the facility here is one of the best that no one can find in other schools,” the CEO said.He explained that officials at the Ministry of Education chose the Lodge Secondary School to implement this programme because the environment is spacious. “They (Lodge Secondary School) had the resources, there was space and the school was under-populated,” the CEO stated.Kaieteur News understands that the school has a capacity to accommodate over 800 students but only a total of a little over 100 were attending as at last term.It is the expectation of the CEO that the programmes offered at the school would serve to attract more students.The two education officials also visited the Roxanne Burnham Nursery and the St. Pius Primary School yesterday. Pupils of the East Ruimveldt Nursery School, according to Sam,Zach Cunningham Jersey, will from this school year have to attend the Roxanne Burnham Nursery. The decision to merge the schools was due to the unacceptable physical conditions at the East Ruimveldt facility and the fact that the Roxanne Burnham School had sufficient space to meet the need of the displaced East Ruimveldt pupils. The decision has since received flak from some parents.Getting down to business at Roxanne Burnham Nursery“There were a few concerns about the merging,Ousmane Dembele Jersey, but all have been worked out and I plan to meet with the entire community this afternoon (yesterday),Laurent Koscielny Jersey,” Sam said.He also disclosed that the headmistress for the East Ruimveldt Nursery will be in charge of the Roxanne Burnham School while its former head-teacher will be placed in a Department at the Ministry of Education.At the St. Pius School yesterday, the Principal Education Officer of Georgetown,Angus Gunn Jersey, Mr Rambaran, said that there were some rehabilitation works done over the August holiday, “we extended a part of the school because it was previously overcrowded. According to the CEO, St. Pius Primary is one of the schools with a growing population. Currently the school has a population of 699 pupils.Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam,Gael Clichy Jersey, interacts with students of St. Pius Primary.