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Cheap NFL Jerseys ?? ?textiles
–?? ?textiles, garments and footwear to be testedBy Rabindra RooplallFor 2013,Andrew Bogut Mavericks Swingman Jersey, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) will commence the testing of textiles, garments and footwear while intensifying surveillance and inspection of commodities monitored by the bureau at sale outlets, in order to ensure that quality products are offered to consumers and to address cross-border smuggling.Also,Bobby Orr Bruins Throwback Jersey, the GNBS will be moving to strengthen the monitoring mechanism at Springlands, Charity and at Lethem in order to effectively scrutinize commodities which are imported through these ports. There has been an increase in the importation of commodities through these ports during 2012.Underscoring that there are indications that the importation would be further increased over the next few years, the GNBS is seeking to employ inspectors in all the ten Administrative Regions. In addition, the bureau would be working to have its inspection activities certified to the IEC 17020 QMS Standard and to complete the reviewing and upgrading of the GNBS Act and the development of Regulations.ComplaintsFor last year, 98 consumer complaints were received by the GNBS, predominantly for electrical appliances and cell phones. Ninety-five percent of the complaints received were favourably resolved, five complaints were referred to the Competition and Competitiveness Division of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce for further investigation.According to the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS),Ron Santo Cubs Jersey, the Department would continue its routine activities based on the Annual Work Programme for 2013, in addition, the bureau will be working closer with the Consumer Affairs Division,Alexandre Pato Chelsea Jersey UK, the Competition and Competitive Commission and Commerce Department of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce,Sonny Jurgensen Redskins Jersey, in order to effectively address consumer complaints relating to sub-standard quality of commodities purchased and to effectively monitor the quality of commodities locally manufactured.It was further noted that since much cooperation was not received from suppliers and local manufacturers during 2012,Carlos Correa Astros Jersey, GNBS would be working through the National Standards Council to revise existing National Standards, with the view of incorporating quality parameters and making them Technical Regulations, in order to facilitate effective enforcement.2013 plansThis year there will be special emphasis placed on the further development of the Weights and Measures Programme in the various Regions. There will be the verification of tanker wagon compartments primarily for private operators, the verification of water and electricity meters and the completion of the reviewing and upgrading of the 1981 Weights and Measures Act and the development of Regulations for the said Act, in an effort to strengthen the Weights and Measures Programme in the new year.GNBS noted that the execution of these activities is critical to improve the effectiveness of the Weights and Measures Programme countrywide by ensuring transparency in the electricity, water and petroleum sectors.In addition, enactment of the completed Metrology Act and the Regulations would be vital for the effective execution of Weights and Measures activities in Guyana, thus ensuring consumer protection and equity in trade.