標題: Wholesale Jerseys BOG
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-23 00:11  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys BOG
Incidence of counterfeiting has increased rapidly over the years. To defeat that,Pablo Hernandez Chile Jersey, the Bank of Guyana (BOG) has added new features to its $1000 and $500 notes.To date,Braden Holtby Capitals Jersey, one million of each currency is in circulation. Bank officials indicated that the $500 notes have been in effect since November 4,Doug Flutie Chargers Jersey, while the $1000 notes were released on November 23.According to the Director of Operations Department, Joseph Lall,Wade Davis Cubs Jersey, the $500 note was last changed 11 years ago while; the $1000 note was changed five years ago.He explained that the purpose of the change is to defeat counterfeiting with the availability of the new security features.According to Lall,John Riggins Redskins Jersey, one of the new features includes a longer holographic strip across each note with small BOG initials reflecting on each note. He further noted that since the holographic strips are longer, counterfeiters are easily conquered.Based on past records,Kenedy Chelsea Jersey UK, counterfeit money was highlighted in the media early in 2008 when Customs officers unearthed $14M in counterfeit Guyana currency hidden among some items in a barrel that had been sitting at the John Fernandes Wharf for almost two years.