標題: Anthony Gose Tigers Jersey Mocha
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UID 639
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積分 68535
帖子 22845
威望 68535
金錢 68535
學分 45690
閱讀權限 1
註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-22 00:42  資料 私人訊息 
Anthony Gose Tigers Jersey Mocha
The controversial transportation fee that has prolonged between Georgetown minibus operators and commuters has sparked a confrontation between a passenger and a conductor resulting in the latter being ordered to pay a fine for the offense of disorderly behaviour.Devon Moore,Ozzie Guillen White Sox Jersey, a 26-year-old of 72 New Settlement Street,Nomar Garciaparra Red Sox Jersey, Mocha,Brian Cushing College Jersey, appeared before Magistrate Sueanna Lovell after it was alleged that he assaulted Debra Smith and further behaved disorderly.The court heard that on October 6 , Debra Smith joined the minibus on which the defendant was conducting.? The woman, it was reported,Adam Duvall Reds Jersey, gave$100 to the defendant and the man returned $20 change.? Smith there after objected to the change she received requesting that the conductor give her the rightful change.The court was told that the route 45 conductor became annoyed at the woman’s constant request and chucked her.The incident drew the attention of ranks on duty in the area.? The officers reportedly came over to the scene and heard the conductor swearing uncontrollably at the woman. The defendant was subsequently asked by the ranks to refrain from such behaviour.The court heard that despite being warned several times by the ranks the man insisted on behaving unruly. He was subsequently arrested and charged with the offense he currently faces.The accused pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour but not guilty to the charge of assault. He told the court that he never assaulted the woman,Craig Biggio Astros Jersey, but in fact she assaulted him. The man showed the court some marks on his neck. The prosecution had no objections to bail.Moore was thereafter fined $10,000 or three weeks’ imprisonment for disorderly behaviour while he received bail in the sum of $20,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,000 for assaulting the woman. He is to return to court on November 1.