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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-19 12:21  資料 私人訊息 
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When children dead people does sympathise wid de parents. In this case three children dead and people vex wid de parents. One in jail fuh killing de children and de other one,Lonnie Chisenhall Indians Jersey, de less said de better.Dem boys couldn’t believe de reaction. From de time de mother tek de mike was confusion in de church. A few people believe was sympathy but dem change dem mind.Old people does always seh that cow does cry fuh she calf. But dem boys seh that is not all eye water is cry.Dem boys seh that de Man above does give some people children when dem don’t want none.And things meet de stage wheh women running away from dem man. One wait till she husband sleep and then jump through de window and disappear. Wha’ could cause that? Dem boys believe that some other man whisper nice things to she when de husband gone out and now she disappear. De thing is that she lef she children behind. She is another one who got children and don’t care.De difference is that this husband ain’t violent,Carlos Zambrano Cubs Jersey, at least not yet. But is why women running and leffing children? It can’t be that things suh bad when de government claiming how de situation improve suh much. Everybody shoulda been living happy,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, but that ain’t de case.Some women wukking whole night while de husband deh home sleeping. Dem boys seh that this is a recipe fuh trouble.One li’l boy run away from home and he claim how he parents lef he and go in de bush. He and all running. Is everybody running. Dem boys seh that Guyana should have a strong Olympic team fuh next year. De women gun get gold because all de coach got to do is to carry dem children and show de mother before de start of de race.Some people mouth running too. Ask anybody who listen to de Big man.Talk half. Lef half.