標題: Brian McCann Astros Jersey once stood
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
用戶失蹤天數 1946
狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-18 04:36  資料 私人訊息 
Brian McCann Astros Jersey once stood
More than nine years and after $700M spent, it appears that the High Street building is nowhere near being realized.The property, located where the former headquarters of the Guyana BroadcastingThe $700M High Street building.Corporation (GBC) once stood,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, remains unsafe with technical personnel from Government still deciding on the way forward.The award of the construction contract was made in 2007 to Kishan Bacchus General Contractors. The new building was supposed to house offices for the Ministry of Labour and the Guyana Forestry Commission.Questioned yesterday during Government’s post-Cabinet press briefings at the Ministry of the Presidency,Carlos Beltran Astros Jersey, Minister of Natural Resources,Dallas Keuchel Astros Jersey, Raphael Trotman, disclosed that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure is examining how the current building could be used without posing a danger to people’s lives.He said that the building continues to pose an embarrassment to the past administration of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic.“Studies show that even if you put tiles on the first floor, the floor is expected to crumble because the support beams were not present,” Trotman said.According to Trotman, both the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission and the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) would have together put over $400Millon into the building’s construction.The situation is so bad that the “very minimum of persons and furniture would have to be put in the building for it to be used,Cheap Soccer Jerseys,” Trotman said.A forensic audit report ordered by Government last year had found that the building involved the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL),Mike Scott Astros Jersey, the state-owned entity which handles investments. NICIL’s negligence resulted in some $350M in taxpayers’ money being wasted,Chicago Cubs Jerseys, the forensic audit report said.In 2012, a Cabinet decision had approved the transfer by sale of the property to the Geology and Mines Commission at a purchase price of $100 million.It was reported that Kishan Bacchus had operated without bond and owed over $50M for works he did not complete but had received payments.