標題: Raphael Guerreiro Dortmund Jersey EBD
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註冊 2017-5-25
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發表於 2017-8-17 14:49  資料 私人訊息 
Raphael Guerreiro Dortmund Jersey EBD
– Placed padlock on his doorThe wanted bulletin issued by the police for a con man, Gopaul Tawari,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Chile-Enzo-Roco-Jersey.html, also called “Onkar” last week has resulted in more persons coming forward with tales of being fleeced by him.Kaieteur News had published the man’s photo and the story of a Craig, East Bank Demerara (EBD) woman,Paul Coffey Adidas Jersey, who claimed that the man had posed as one of her relatives and fooled her into putting $6,000 credit in his phone.Gopaul Tawari, also called “Onkar”The article was published four days ago and that had led to more persons coming forward, identifying Gopaul Tawari as the person who robbed them.A woman, who asked not to be named, said Tawari is hiding in his house in Diamond, (EBD), and he is paying someone to place a padlock on his door,Martin Demichelis Manchester City Jersey UK, so that the police would believed that he is not there.Among the people who have identified Tawari as the person who tricked them, was Mohanie Jagir, also called “Date” of Little Diamond,Erik Durm Dortmund Shirts, EBD. Jagir operates a wholesale and retail liquor store at the entrance to Roger Street, Little Diamond. She claimed that Tawari owes her a total of $300,000.She stated that Tawari used to purchase items in bulk from her for a while and in February last; she credited him $300,000 worth in alcohol and beverages. She claimed that was the last time she saw him.“He come and he took the things and since then I never see he back. When I call,Warren Sapp Buccaneers Jersey, he always promising me that he would come and pay me but he never did,Brendan Langley Womens Jersey,” the woman related.Kaieteur News understands that the con man forged his wife’s signature and robbed her of her property. That matter is currently in court.? (Romila Boodram)