標題: Jarrad Davis Jersey 4x51gybp
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註冊 2017-5-25
用戶註冊天數 2594
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狀態 離線
發表於 2017-8-17 14:09  資料 私人訊息 
Jarrad Davis Jersey 4x51gybp
Attorney at Law Khemraj Ramjattan is preparing to take legal action against the state and the Attorney General on behalf of the teenage boy who was tortured while in police custody.Ramjattan, who is representing the now 15-year-old lad,Cheap Jerseys From China, told Kaieteur News on Tuesday that he has already taken a lengthy statement from the victim and is in the process of gathering other information related to the case.The attorney and AFC co-leader anticipates that the civil litigation will be ready within “a week or two.”Ramjattan’s disclosure came just hours after the Home Affairs Ministry released a report, which acknowledged that the teen was tortured by ranks at the Leonora Police Station on October 28 last.According to the released report, the victim alleged that the ranks covered his face with a jersey,Jeison Murillo Jersey, which was secured around his head with scotch tape.That process caused him to be partly suffocated and he was told to undress and remove all his clothing after which, he was beaten with a hard object. His hands were then bound in front and he was placed to lie on the floor and beaten on his feet.During that ordeal,Davis Webb Womens Jersey, he managed to partly remove the jersey from his face but was simultaneously hit behind his neck by one of the policemen.The jersey was pulled back over his head and he was dealt a lash with a heavy object to his stomach.The lad related that on the floor, he felt a cold substance being poured to the region of his genitals and upper part of the thigh and simultaneously,Deatrich Wise Jr. Jersey, he felt a burning sensation and he screamed.He alleged that the ranks removed the jersey and he saw the area of his genitals on fire, which was extinguished by the ranks and a fan and gel were provided to him to soothe the burnt area.Assistant Superintendent of Police Wright was the Duty Officer at Divisional Headquarters, Leonora Police Station at the time and saw Constable Dolai taking a written statement from the teen in the presence of Constable De Souza.He claimed that around midnight whilst he was in his Office, he received information from the Operations Room that Thomas who had injuries to his lower abdomen was taken to the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station. He said that he instructed Sergeant Clarke and Corporal Foo to visit and examine Thomas but on their return,Klay Thompson Team USA Jersey, he was advised that Thomas’s injuries were minor and he had received treatment.He did not enquire how the teen sustained his injuries,Renato Augusto Jersey, but on reporting the incident to AC Morrison he informed her that Thomas was burnt with methylated and matches by Dolai.